Sign Up for Walrus Grab Bag 5—More music based shenanigans

I think you are vastly overestimating the number of games that I (and probably others) have played in the relevant time frame.

A while back, we had a general video game soundtrack category that included any generation and I still had to google and I play tons of games. I play games for the story, type of playing and the theme. The music is just in the background and I don’t really think about it while playing because I’m engaged in trying not to die etc. I can picture Mario and Zelda music but would have to look it up still and that wouldn’t count as under rated.

Maybe so, but it’s also a category that many (including myself) are not familiar with at all.

It’s like if I did a wrestling theme category and asked people not to give me the obvious stuff. Sure, I’m very familiar with it, but it’s going to be a huge unknown for many people here.

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I’ll sit this one out. Not feeling like i got a good grip on the categories and don’t wanna send uninspired picks. Will follow for those curaçao and cabo verde bangers

I’m not sure if I’m walrusing wrong, and I’m not saying there is no such thing as a too narrow category, but eyeballing it I’m going to be starting with Google for almost every category posted, and I think that’s fine? I don’t know that much music; I’m using these prompts to look for things I don’t know much about and then seeing what I like and don’t and then determining what a good submission might be.


Just to be clear, i don’t mind googling and not criticizing any of them. Diving into Chad musicians sounds legit fun. Just a lack of energy on my part

I just wanted to clarify it, you could approach my category in two ways, you can look for songs that use some bit of ancient mythology in the lyrics, as a theme or a motif; and any culture = anything from obvious stuff like ancient Greek/Roman Gods to Native American stuff, anything out of Indian/Chinese/Japanese mythology, perhaps something animistic, and other than that, something suggestive of early Christianity, Islam or Judaism would work too. Or you could go for something that ‘evokes’ ancient mythology directly through the music, but it need not be like some professor recreates the music of ancient Athens; something contemporary that is inspired by or incorporates something that may have been performed at an ancient pagan ritual would work.

Ok, not to steal anyone’s thunder but “Walk Like an Egyptian” would be a perfectly fine submission, for example.

Hope this helps, if it doesn’t, I could drop some what I would have submitted.

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Ultimately I think people have to be able to choose their own categories, it’s pretty subjective and it’s pointless to play with something you don’t actually want.

But, let’s be clear, this is supposed to be for fun, I don’t think most playing care at all about showing off their wide knowledge of music or impeccable taste.

On the second point it seems to me that just writing off a few categories mentally and phoning it in needn’t stop one from enjoying the rest, and there’s certainly no moral obligation to care about them all. I would guess that as Walruses mount and categories get more niche this will probably be needed to participate. It’s a shame, but given the first point I think somewhat inevitable.

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This definitely helps me, thanks! I’ve got something earmarked for you already :+1:

I completely agree with all of this. If any of my previous posts ITT indicated otherwise, sorry I wasn’t more clear on my intent.

(this is not a response to you, Pyat - just quoting because as usual your prose is far more pleasant to look at than anything I could write).

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smrk and lawnmowerman having the same avatar should be grounds for some sort of punitive action.

I also think this walrus has started out on the wrong foot and I’m getting less and less enthused about participating. The butthurt isn’t supposed to start until AFTER you’ve been harshly and unfairly judged despite having great taste in music.

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Yeah this doesn’t seem very interesting to me as a “game” so I think I’m gonna bail. It looks like there are two different ideas for what is supposed to happen, and the one that is basically people taking turns on the jukebox doesn’t appeal to me. On the other hand, a lot of people do want that and don’t seem to want focused categories that exclude their favorite music. Trying to incorporate both seems suboptimal to the extent that this should be a game that is fun and interesting for everyone.

They are different though and we can prove it because BLOCKCHAIN.


Your category idea might work better for a solo walrus? I just think it requires baseline knowledge that most people don’t have, including other gamers, and lacking that, would be more work than most people prefer to do for a grab bag.

Also on this note, things have unexpectedly accumulated on me the last couple of days in both work and home life which are making it increasingly likely I won’t have time to participate in this walrus either. Still holding out hope but I was expecting quite a lot more free time before going out of town which no longer looks like it’s going to happen.

The grab bag is the only way I could do a category like this because of the required time on my end. Not joking though that my first category was music recorded in the 1940s.

My baseline knowledge is I played games 15 to 30 years ago. It’s not like I sit around studying or listening to this stuff. Outside of an occasional cover on Youtube, the last time I heard most of this is decades ago, but much of it is permanently etched into my brain.

Trying again, these are the categories so far:


Awesome! I have something in mind for about half of these already and looking forward to figuring out the rest :slight_smile:

Question: You typed Monster, but linked Godzilla. I’d argue that they are pretty different songs. Which one did you mean?

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I feel confident is seities, Jiggy, Pauwl, Louis, crash, and eyebooger. Will need to think a little bit on the rest.

Looking forward to it!

You found some Cameroonian metal already?