Sign Up for Walrus Grab Bag 5—More music based shenanigans

Eh I’m more excited to judge than submit songs so I think I’ll do my own walrus when time permits. I’m in need of an influx of new music as it is.


@superuberbob You are looking for straight up talking, right? You say no poetry, so I assume you mean the talking shouldn’t rhyme.

I’m nearly 100% certain what song you’re thinking of. ;-)

Spoken word can rhyme. I just didn’t want anyone to think something like def jam poetry was acceptable since it technically isn’t a song.

OK, cool. So poetry is OK as long as there is also music?

I’m wondering what song you’re thinking of because I have no ideas at all lol.

Well don’t spend another day’s useless energy on it :slight_smile:

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Just giving cassette an idea, no one else steal it!


@pyatnitski who should I submit to for yours?


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Oh lordy, found an absolute beast of a track for @Pauwl 's catetgory.

Just choosing between two very different songs for Goaty McGoat and I’ll be sending in my submissions.


Submission sent… mostly

Note: to help Pyatnitski out, if you put a blank line (hit return), then four spaces before pasting the youtube link it will look like this:

And it will make his life alot easier to copy them into groups for each category.

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Oh shit I totally forgot about this

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Ok I found a good country song.


Songs submitted!

Does anyone else have a strong urge to not follow instructions? E.g. submit Van Halen Eruption for the “no electric guitar” category.

I played it straight though


I had a hard time coming up with a joker category. My songs are all tight “my shit is perfect” etc. But I don’t really think any of them are gonna rock anyone’s world. Whatever, gamble!



How are everyone’s submissions coming along?

Mine are in, awaiting to be incorrectly judged by any of you who don’t award them top spot.

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So far I have put in the least amount of effort possible.


Guess I slept instead of submitting music

Mine are in. Do people try to submit music that they own, or at least knew beforehand? I went with 7 songs I own (I am an old man so I own music physically, on CD and vinyl and yes, cassette). The other 3 I was familiar with.

Probably not a winning strategy; I should have poked around for some more appropriate stuff on some of these categories. I had to put a ceiling on my effort though

For me, its more fun to have someone check out something I already know/like so I go for that option as much as I possibly can.

Good stuff. Maybe you’ll end up as far back as 2nd place if you keep that up.