Should wookie be immediately removed as mod?

Yuv has my never-ending support if this is his platform.

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I’m happy with most of the candidates who put themselves forward, including potato and crunchy.

The hilarious thing is that some people think the frequent tantrums here have anything to do with the moderators.


OK, let’s start an official poll for one of these non-potato guys to replace Wookie.

I don’t want to be a replacement mod for Wookie. That conflates several different and disparate issues that are better addressed separately. But I will post some info on myself in case it is ever relevant.

I have made no secret of the fact that I was a co-mod of the PU7 forum on 2p2. Chez was made sole mod of the forum and it/he was terrible (which everyone knew would happen) so in a pique I PM’ed Mat complaining about Chez. After a short back-and-forth PM with Mat, he asked if I wanted to become co-mod with the provisos that nobody could ever be perma-banned from 2p2 based upon their posts in PU7, nobody could ever be temp-banned from 2p2/PU7 without both Chez and me agreeing, and any forum rule changes would have to be agreed to by both me and Chez. I pushed back on those conditions but Mat was firm on them. I reluctantly agreed.

Over my time there PU7 went from being terrible to merely very bad. Eventually Chez asked WellNamed to become a third mod. Shortly thereafter the forum was closed due to really offensive posts about Charlottesville.


Ok, off you go. :+1:

There were lots of votes in one of keeed’s polls about rotating mods who will never vote to specifically remove Wookie because they don’t want to offend him. I don’t think I voted in Keeed’s polls, but I fit that description. As I think most people know, I wanted rotating mods from the very first day here. Yeah, it follows I want Wookie to peacefully hand over modship, but it’s nothing about Wookie any more than it is about any other poster here who doesn’t want mods to rotate. I will not vote in a poll like “Should wookie be immediately removed as mod” and whether intentional or not this poll puts everyone who wants less than permanent mods, but doesn’t hate Wookie in this position.


how is this not obvious to everyone?

We all make mistakes but thanks for clearing that history up - I wasn’t sure of the timeline.

I don’t want permanent mods. The two have nothing to do with each other.

Ok. I can’t see the results of this poll because I’m not going to vote in it. Non-permanent mods are up for discussion all over the place here. I assume this poll is showing resounding support for Wookie. I submit that’s because very few people want to intentionally insult him. What do you think the impact of a resounding no vote on this poll is for the idea that mods should not be permanent?

It’s very difficult to find a solution when you won’t put the tiniest effort into working with me to find a replacement mod and lobby to get him elected.


He doesn’t want a solution. Full stop. He wants wookie gone. He doesn’t care after that.

It’s not just conjecture. I think it applies to a fair number of people. I could do some conjecture about how many people, but anecdotally it’s true. It describes at least me and from the posting here I think Yuv.

It’s not a thankless position though. There are lots and lots and lots of thanks.

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I’ve made it clear already that we have to first depersonalise it.

Remove the name wookie from it.

Make it about process.

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I’m about to peace out of all this, because it’s getting really tiresome. But man, keed, you are making me regret going to bat for you the last few days.

Like I said before, I really hate the elitist attitude that 2p2 had when assigning mods. I don’t want to see that here. What I saw was people dismiss you being mod out of hand it made me really upset because something similar has happened to me in another lifetime.

You insist that no one is asking for wookie’s removal immediately. Yet you cannot seem to stop talking about it or pushing agendas that will result in his removal soon-ish. Why don’t you just be very clear with what you want and say you don’t want him as mod anymore? Something other than this weird dance you’re doing where you’re trying to convince people that you’re not asking for what you are very obviously asking.

Maybe I am just completely misreading your posts, I admit I skim a lot of this stuff in the last several hours. But holy lord dude. You are absolutely not helping your cause. If this is what we can expect from modding you, man, count me out. Just stop this, please. The community seems pretty content with wookie, I think it’s been really clear. I personally think he’s handled this far better than I would have or anyone else for that matter. So like chill dude.

I dunno what I’m trying to accomplish with this post I just wanted to say it. I am not trying to instigate or perpetuate any kind of drama and am just calling things as I see them.

ETA: the first sentence is not me threatening to quit. I mean peace out of these discussions. God, I hate that I had to make this edit.


I really think it will help if I can get you to agree on a nominee.

I really think it will help if you stop.


Do you have a better path forward?