Should wookie be immediately removed as mod?

Me too - meaning this/these threads. It’s not just that it’s tiresome, but I don’t see a way out.

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Already showing admirable mod credentials.


Decide on a path forward that is agreed upon by a large majority including the current mods.

“replacing wookie” shouldn’t be a thing even if some people don’t like wookie’s modding. Both things don’t contradict.

If we decide on 6 months terms, we can decide the 6 month starts now or some hybrid timeline. That’s not the point.


This is very sensible.

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Starting today, all mods get a six-month term. —would that be acceptable?



Not to me. I think we need a clean sweep for obvious reasons. One has gone and we should replace the others on 6 month terms. Rinse/repeat.

If we run out of new reg candidates who meet community approval (however that’s defined) we go back to the first mods and repeat the cycle.

We already have PC, keed, potato and WN waiting who are being very patient with this total bollocks that’s gone on far too long already.


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Which is why this thread was a terrible idea if done in good faith.


So we should immediately replace Wookie with [tbd], who will have a six month term?

Trump was a great unifier of people, now that he’s gone people have turned into petulant bitches.

We have the loud minority complaining, trolling and spewing garbage all over the forum while a lot us just like to hang here, read interesting stuff and converse with reasonably intelligent, like minded people.


So, the next step is to figure out a [tbd] that you and I can agree on and hold a formal vote on him/her.

Why is it only you and I?

I don’t see anyone else trying to help solve your mod issues. You and I can get the ball rolling.

Why do you want to solve the mod issues that you don’t have or even seem to believe are genuine?

can this person get immediately reelected to this position for another term?

edit: I’m not agreeing that wook should be replaced. I’m asking about process

I wholeheartedly support [tbd] for mod!



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I’d really like the drama to stop, and it looks like that won’t ever happen until we replace Wookie with a 6-month mod.

I don’t quite get why you’re so reluctant to name a specific nominee for mod. We kind of need that to move forward.