Should wookie be immediately removed as mod?

That’s a different question this poll isn’t meant to address.

I propose we ask one of the mods to set up an official poll thingy or whatever we’re calling it to vote on replacing Wook with Yuv.

Let me try this -

If @goofyballer hadn’t decided to step down (which he did angrily, stating that he’s “done trying to help the community” if I remember correctly), what would have happened with PC’s desire to become a mod? He clearly has overwhelming approval from the community.

We will either have to add more mods every time this happen, which may or may not be a bad idea, or hope some mod will happily volunteer to step down.

This is a really bad process that almost ensures bad blood. Like even Goofy’s stepping down was done really poorly where he felt disengaged when that really shouldn’t be the case with any mod.


Why Yuv and not one of the others? Nothing against Yuv ofc.

Surely the way to proceed is to elect the preferred candidate to replace wookie, then to vote on whether that should happen.

Like the world chess championship.

Thanks for the show of support, but I don’t want to become a mod. I hope this doesn’t make me ineligible to discuss it.


Because we can agree on him. Do you have a better nominee?

Sounds good.


There are 80 regs here.

I don’t think you get a say in the matter.


I will ban the use of pre-minced garlic.


I might draw the line there lol. One quality needed is a cool head. You can’t have a mod storming off in tantrums regularly.

Poll is 88/12 right now and jal is debating who should replace wookie.

Super good faith posting.

What about grue?

Wookie gave a very clear defined process for establishing term limits that would almost certainly produce a supermajority of the forum favoring and establishing said term limits in short order.

Then people got super-mad anyway, and Keed said the only way forward was a judiciary solely in the hands of Beetlejuice and his handpicked people?

What the fuck is this bullshit?!?!? No rule by the tyrannical squeaky wheel minority.

Do you think a small group of hecklers should have the power to remove a moderator? Do you think they should have license to troll a mod into resigning?

You’ve got my vote if you also insist on the compulsory serving of asparagus for breakfast.

No. But I also believe, perhaps wrongfully, that there would be less cases of that happening if there would be a better process placed.


idk anything about grue.

Are you intending to go through the entire user base one by one?

How about this: you propose a non-Keed replacement mod for Wookie.