Should wookie be immediately removed as mod?

are there cliffs somewhere on mod drama issues? i’ve literally never seen anything bad here so i’m totally oblivious i guess but also curious :thinking:


Put 250 people in a room together and a few won’t like each other. :wink:

Of course most people are happy (that’s a strong word. Content?) with Wookie’s modding. That’s the point. But there is a group here of users, who are not Russian trolls sent here in an attempt to destroy the forum, who are not happy with it.

We can keep telling them to shut up or fuck off and then be surprised when they pick ‘fuck off’ or use this opportunity to put in some procedures that will help the forum.

My wording wasn’t poor. It’s intentional. That’s the point. The majority of the community is happy with Wookie’s modding but also wouldn’t feel any necessity that he stays on for infinite amount of time. I don’t think there are many users here who feel that respected users should not be allowed to become mods in this community until Wookie decides to step down or be forcefully removed.

We really shouldn’t be in this situation and I have yet to understand why we are.


I propose making Wookie a special king mod who is guaranteed to be a mod for at least two years so long as he wants to be, subject to surviving any recall vote, so that we can discuss changing the rules without being affected by the prospect of replacing him.


I see chads as the replacement for goofyballer and we’re talking about replacing Wokkie with Keeed.

Yes, that is how it was, is, and forever will be positioned.

They are both mods so either can replace either. What is this obsession with hierarchy and seniority? That’s how you end up with fucked up systems where people’s individual power bases are more important than the community.

We’re only talking about modding a small internet site, not the command line at fucking NATO.


Dear Lord, I am beginning to think that some people are not posting in good faith.

Goofy resigned and was replaced (or will be in a few days) by PocketChads.

Wookie has not resigned and an “effort” appears to be forming (has already formed) to replace him with Keeed.

The software can help you with that.


This nails it!

It’s exactly why I posted the poll.

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NBZ post was making fun of YOU guys. Yes, we need to have this discussion about modding in general. You are just refusing to have it and keep repeating that this is personal against Wookie.


I don’t know what to say beyond we have very different interpretations of what has been going on over the past month. We will have to agree to disagree.

I at times get upset with SenorKeed being given the rope he is given by the mods but then I move on. But apparently that is not good enough, SK and his band harass Wookie anyway for even thinking about modding them, and now we have talk of SK himself being a mod.

Squeaky wheel gets the grease? Fuck that, guess it’s time to get squeaky then.

Wookie has never moderated me on this forum that I’m aware of.

How about if chads replaces goofy and who’snext replaces Wookie?


What in fuck is going on around here lately?


I agree. So why in your opinion are we about to get wookie for life?

He closed your not a coup thread briefly and a big deal was made over it.

Good faith posting itt.

Ugh. It was pointing out how people here cannot discuss the notion of modding in the community without going straight to YoU wAnT wOOkIE ReMOVeD.

This is literally happening in a thread clovis started to ask a question no one wanted to ask.

How are you not seeing the irony here?