Should wookie be immediately removed as mod?

Gah. Sorry. Misunderstood. No. What I was trying to ask is if you think mods should be able to serve consecutive terms, and if so, should there be a limit to that number?

I’ve said that mods should serve finite terms and have new people rotate in and out. Is that the same thing as saying wookie should no longer be mod? Because it doesn’t seem the same to me. But I’ve been told (by wookie) that suggesting that is “actively hunting for mod scalps”.

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I think meb’s idea of a forced gap between terms is good. it gives more users a chance to act as mods.


I’m at the point where I think I will oppose any reform that I feel is intended mainly to force Wookie to give up being a mod. I’m going to be a hard no on term limits (in the sense of limits on number of terms served, not in having a defined end to a single term), but would be open to a debate on term limits in the future.

I have an interest in having good mods. Why should I be denied that by people determined to force change for the sake of change? Just because someone wants to be a mod doesn’t mean they will be a good mod.


I have no intention of being part of this fight.

The poll answers one simple question. That is all.

I officially have no opinion on the other 234 fights going on lately.

Sure. So vote them out if they’re no good.

Agreed. Hope most of the community does as well and this can be approved.

I mean there’s a reason no one started a poll for this. No one was advocating for wookie’s removal.

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Lol just lol

i want a scenario where we can vote out Wookie if he is a bad mod, but he isn’t forced to stop being a mod if the community thinks he is doing a good job. I don’t think someone like Keeed wants that. Do you?

what are you loling about? i want to believe you are posting in good faith but this is just a weird string of posts where any reasonable person would assume you are trolling.

there’s no justification for this thread other than attempting to make this forum even worse.


If you combine this with the other half of my post you are replying with, I’ll be happy with it.

A very small handful of posters have made thousands of posts, across dozens of threads, for months now the bulk of which focus on wookie being a terrible biased mod.

This poll serves one purpose. To have the community declare if they agree or disagree with that small handful of posters.

As I said, I don’t care about the rest of the drama going on and frankly I don’t care who is mod. There is exactly one poster I would vote against being mod here.

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I like Wookie as a mod but I swear to god I’ll support chads replacing him if it stops this drama for a few months.


A good number of people think that wookie should voluntarily step down in the near term. I’m not aware of anyone who thinks he should be immediately removed.

This thread would do nothing but stir up additional arguments.

If the poll was “Wookie wants to step down as mod and be replaced by an agreed upon replacement in the near future, do you approve?” then the overwhelming result would be ‘yes’.

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I think we need to stop talking about people and start talking about processes.

Yes I want finite terms for mods with the only exception being when there’s no other reg who wants to do it.

It should never be this big a deal to switch.


I really don’t have a dog in this fight and I don’t think you do either but I’m genuinely confused by your take. You honestly don’t think the few vocal posters think he should be removed? I mean a few already voted he should. They have made their position very very very clear.

Again, I want to believe you are trying to help here. This won’t be helpful and be used as a strawman against any one who will want to discuss changes to the forum. Afterwards you will ask why X left and say it’s bad for the community.

Either way, I def don’t think Wookie should be immediately removed, but I’m okay with this thread being removed. And in general people should really open less ‘ATF’ threads.


I am trying to help. You will note I have not been a part of these drama threads for the most part because I really don’t care who is mod.

I just got sick of seeing the 4,000th post about how terrible wookie was but nobody doing anything about it.

Jokes aside I am sort of with Trolly that if there was any hope it would end this nonsense I’d like him to step down. However, there is no hope it would. The same group would be calling out the new mods within months.