Should wookie be immediately removed as mod?


Just trying to be culturally relevant, not a snipe at anyone or anything.


sorry, the question was more directed at jalfrezi, but I very much agree that’s the way this is going.

It’s a beauty

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I know this was your goal. I think it’s a terrible goal and that was the point I succesfully made from post #1. That you are not trying to defuse the situation, you are trying to alienate the sides even more. Combining it with your post on jbro leaving being bad for the community just makes it worse.

It won’t be helpful. Neither will cussing me because I posted exactly what you are going to do.


Just drop it. You’ve made your point repeatedly. You’re not gonna convince anybody else at this point and YOU are just making it worse.

Genius soul read predicting my intention in a thread where I made my intention known from the start.

I’m very impressed.

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I abstained from the poll because it’s poorly worded and liable to incite defensiveness of Wookie’s character even from people who think there shouldn’t be permanent mods.



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I’m not trying to ignore anyone. I may have missed one. I was told to stop posting so i’ll attempt to oblige. We can pm if you want, no reason this shouldn’t be civil.


Yuv, Please post as much and as often as you like. My earlier peevish post was a visceral reaction to a post I thought was self-piling-on. But nobody has the right to silence anyone else around here.


This is a fair criticism of the poll and one that confused micro as well. I actually edited it early based on feedback. Perhaps I should have done so again.

For the record

My intention was not to conflate critique of wookie and a desire for mod terms. I’m for mod terms.

I’m also for unlimited discussion of changing the rules in any way the community feels is fair.

My only point in making the poll was to stop the endless sniping at wookie in every single thread that is trying to address rules changes.


OK the most excellent posting being done in the Vegas SB thread has convinced me, I’m putting everyone who voted yes on ignore for 2 weeks and will see if it enhances my forum experience. Will report back!

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Let me also apologize for cussing you out but I was getting frustrated you kept saying I was acting in bad faith when I know I was 100% acting in good faith. I have deleted that post.

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At this point it seems very obvious to me that anyone still going at wookie doesnt really care what

a) the community thinks
b) wookie does or does not do to help the situation

and most importantly

c) that they’re irritating most of the forum with it

Put term limits on mods. Get new mods. I don’t really care anymore. Gonna go the dgaf route for now and say that you guys can feel free to shit all over this place all you want, but it’s sad to watch.

A lot of people care and want this to work. It’s obvious to me now that there are a few that either dont want this to work or are gonna throw a tantrum until it ends up being the exact way they want it to be. And those people honestly should head for the door if that’s how it’s going to be.

I think I need a break. Idk when I’ll be back, could be an hour or 3 days. But good grief charlie brown.


Dude that thread is gonna save the forum


Let me point out that if there are sides there is one side with 4-5 posters and another side with dozens of posters. This is a democracy. The result of this disagreement is built into the structure of a community forum. They lost.

The way a normal forum would work is mods would feel they have community support at this point to heavily moderate sniping at wookie. This does not mean discussion of overall mod rules should be discouraged. Quite the opposite. Discussions of term limits etc are great.

The only thing this poll showed is that the side that thinks wookie is a terrible biased mob is a severe minority. They have had their chance to make their case dozens of times over thousands of posts across many threads spanning two months. They failed to make it. That discussion should no longer be allowed.

A better-constructed poll would have used range voting [1-10 or A-F] to provide a clearer sense of how the forum evaluates Wookie’s performance.

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This annoyed me a little too. I know I troll a lot but I’m willing to negotiate alternative moderators or term limits if that defuses the tensions in here. My preference is Wookie stays on, but I’m willing to compromise on that.

Me too. I honestly don’t care who mods and think something like 6 month term limits are a great idea.

I also believe to my core that if wookie is gone jal will be complaining about the new mod long before their 6 month term is up because he wants to troll and never be modded.