Should wookie be immediately removed as mod?

Could I propose a one week moratorium on polls? I will not be using a poll to gauge support for this idea.

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One week moratorium on polls?
  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

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We can’t ban him and he won’t shut up and this endless drama is destroying the forum.


Pretty sure that everyone with more than 10 ATF posts in the last couple days should be banned until the rest of the forum figures out what to do about this mess.


Seriously, i can only believe that some guys here count on most people not actually reading (not that anyone should be reading this).

Trolly spent 50 messages in the most tedious pointless gotcha attempt that Jal didn’t participate in.
Clovis opened a thread no one asked for and as every single person knew, used the obvious results to portrait the overall discussion as petty/unimportant.

Also bad faith isn’t using hyperboles, exaggerating, being sarcastic or even douchey. Bad faith is pretending to be helpful while actually attempting to prove how this isn’t helpful.


We can’t let anymore drama queens in here until we figure out what the hell is going on!

well, I will in good faith back up trolly here. I am interested in the answer to the question he posed jalfrezi. Wtf will it take for this to stop?

Wookie gone? clearly not happening soon. So people need to just accept this or stfu. Like how can you all keep going like this? Is this not incredibly tedious anymore?

I didn’t read trolly in bad faith but even if it was in bad faith who the hell can blame him at this point? Anyone still posting in this stupid mess almost has to be posting in bad faith because no one in good faith would touch this with a 1000 foot pole.

At this point I’m pot committed but holy shit my nerves are at their end.

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Feel free to quote 1 post where I went after Jbro.

The endless drama that you’re persistently continuing with your incessant trolling.

You have posted like 20 times in this thread which you constantly want to argue is pointless. The thread clearly accomplished exactly what it was meant to as goofy explained to you multiple times.


The thread was a bad faith attempt that might be successful in its obvious attempt, but is still the exact definition of bad faith.


Dude Clovis was the one who opened this thread. This is incredible.


I have been 100% serious ITT. This shit is exhausting and I want it to stop. I’m willing to lobby for a new mod if that settles matters. I don’t know how any of this gets resolved if he won’t even negotiate a replacement mod in good faith. Tell me how this stops.

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and? It was in response to the exact conversation that’s been happening here that has been happening elsewhere. I’ve wasted hours of my life on this shit now, I’ve been following the conversation. A few people came in here nitting up the meaning of the word “immediately” saying that no one is asking for this when it’s quite obvious that people are asking for this.

So again, what will it take to stop?


It depends.
If you are asking how I think it could end in a good way is by deciding on a transparent process to mods term limits that isn’t rooted in the notion that the current mods are asked to compromise or have any more say on the matter than the rest of the community.

How I think it will end? Jal will get permabanned, no decision will be made on modding and microbet will leave (and the forum will still be okay, fwiw)


You can keep weaponizing the term bad faith but it’s never going to be true. My posting this was 100% good faith attempt to end the endless arguments about Wookiee modship.

It 100% succeeded. I’m pretty annoyed right now so I am going to not be nice about this but this poll has clearly and finally demonstrated that the community wants wookie as a mod and anyone who disagrees should shut the fuck up about it.

Quit fucking telling me I’m posting in bad faith because you don’t agree with me.

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i encourage you to provide input on the selection and approval of associate justices in this thread:

i believe we can craft an independent judiciary which a large majority of the members will support, and input from members at this stage is essential for that.



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