Should beetlejuice be made admin for life and have droit du seigneur with your daughter?

this is a response to the thread about the current mods finding the job intolerable and the community being at risk of dying.

mods and posters both can benefit from an independent council to review complaints about moderation. it’s understandable from the user’s perspective that they don’t want the person deciding if a mod action is fair to be that mod who made the decision in the first place. similarly, the mods are put in a position where they’re the police and the courts while they’re working the beat on the street, which is unfair responsibility for them. ideally mods would be simply carrying out the will of the community using the special mod tools that they have available to them.

to interpret the will of the community in an unbiased and independent manner, a group of respected members in good standing with the community should establish a judicial forum where user-mod and mod-user disputes can be made and decided from an independent perspective. this will be established with the intention of ending the judge dredd-style situation we have now where mods are wearing two hats.

a yes vote will establish myself as pontifex maximus, an admin-tier level of authority. i will nominate further justices to the court for community approval. a majority opinion of the court will stand as guidance for the mods on the ground, hopefully making things better for everyone. and if not, we’ll bin it.

  • yes, establish a judicial branch
  • no, judge dredd mods 4 life

0 voters


Who mods the mod mods?

mod mods will figure that out

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If I had any PS skills, I’d superimpose the avatars of the current mods (and previous if need be)

Just a warning for folks, Caesar bankrupted himself early in his career to win the election to become Pontifex Maximus. Everyone was all wtf Caesar, that job is extremely dumb why would anyone give out that many bribes for such a stupid job? You really are dumb, for real.

What they didn’t realize was that the Roman calendar was like 15 days off and the Pontifex Maximus was in charge of keeping it on an even keel. Caesar just didn’t update it for like 10 years when he was fighting in Gaul. Then during the war with Pompey he made an impossible crossing of the Agean, because everyone thought it was the middle of January when it was like September or some shit like that. A couple of years later Caesar was made dictator for life.

So just a word of warning to everyone.


Thanks for reminding me to update my schedule book.


Lol judiciary

I assume the executive and legislative branches will be next.

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Is this a serious (real) pole?

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It’s as real as any other dumbass poll we’ve run here.


Gotta be a joke where half the forum is in on it.

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Establishment Judiciary and peak wokeness judiciary simultaneously. Defendants can appeal decisions from one court to the other.


It all works out.

Because reasons for the bloody war.
No, I don’t want to hate you for what you’re not sorry for

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Just an FYI to everyone, part of the duties of an incoming Pontifex Maximus is breaking ties in the matter of his own election. It’s a weird rule but the ancient Romans were weird dudes. And he can also stop the vote at any time. Again, I don’t make the rules.

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It’s real and it’s spectacular.