Being a mod or admin is intolerable, and this community is at a high risk of dying

Yea, it does. It makes sense for instance that I’m pretty low on there, as I am pretty reactive and respond to things pretty much as I read them. I dunno if that makes a good mod quality or not, but it seems like it would select users that are very engaged, which is a generally good mod quality.

Anyway NOT something for anyone to take too seriously or get worked up about. It is just data and one bored geek’s interpretation of it. I was surprised at how seriously some people were taking the fun poster data thread, but then when it was explained to me a little I understood it.

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Gregorio was a mod on 2+2.

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gregoreo was a long-time NVG mod (we over-lapped I think) and I am pretty sure he was an OOT mod before that. Didn’t he quit OOT mod because it negatively affected his OOT posting and/or his relationship with other OOT posters.

He was moderator of the Elect Gary Johnson forum.

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Every time I see Gary Johnson mentioned ITF it takes a good amount of will power for me to not make a multi paragraph post absolutely slagging that dude.


hi, you might be interested in the ongoing vote in this thread:


Lol, it’s so weird what happened to him. He was actually a decent governor of NM (I lived there during his last term).

Can’t handle national politics, I guess.

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Gary Johnson Gary Johnson Gary Johnson.


Yeah, I mean, I think a solid Gary Johnson rant is a worthy OP. It may not be a very long lived thread, but I would expect MysteryConman is a good enough writer to make it an enjoyable read.


Shit I literally voted for the guy in good faith in 2012. By 2016 I realized that was really stupid, and the guy was way dumber than I realized.

Don’t forget about


wait, what? Story? How did I possibly miss this?


Yeah I’m suddenly interested in a Gary Johnson thread


can you find where this was agreed to? Bc clearly not everyone agrees this was agreed to and sometimes there are votes and sometimes there are just decisions

That was a prank, right? I assume they gave you the number of a phone sex line or something?

I also wanted to add that I’m not even aware who the moderators are around here.

He also posted on 2+2 politics lol.

wait what? As who?



As himself. Were you not on the forums at the time?

Must have missed it