Should Appointment to Moderator be for Life?

Marzipan is the tastiest thing in this world.

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Why not?

edit: see edit2 in OP.

No mod will get 100% approval.

Perhaps we could make one of the troublesome posters the new Trumpbot: absolutely untouchable by the mods—no hiding their posts and no bans no matter how awful whatever they post is—on the condition that they can never reply to ongoing discussion and have to just toss their posts out there to rile everyone up.

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I thought we already had that?


Just added another poll to OP.

Think this would have to apply to everyone currently serving.

How do I vote if I believe mods should continue to serve as mods even after they have shuffled off this mortal coil? I guess that’s “no” in the first poll and “other” in the second?

You’re changing the referendum after votes have already been cast? WTF?

correct, the poll is very clear



I mean, people can still switch their vote, right? Not sure what the problem is.

Uh, voting and then peacing out is a totally reasonable thing to do here.

Feel free to delete this thread and start a new one with the updated choices to zero everything out. Seems like this is fine though, people are going to generally view the polls several times to see how things are going.

I mean do you really think people are going to want Risky Flush to step down? Seems unlikely. It was an oversight to not include that caveat originally but he doesn’t have anything to do with the topics we’ve been discussing.

The term should be “a period longer than what SenorKeeed is comfortable with” with the community having the power to call the equivalent of a snap election (not a recall). And no term limits.

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I also don’t like how there is no option to vote for letting people continue for as many terms as they keep getting supermajority votes for.

I’m going to go on and say these polls are dumb, the idea of rotating mods is dumber, and the direct democracy nothing can be done without a mandate is the dumbest of all. I don’t care who the mods are. The current cast is fine. The next will probably be fine too. If you want a mod gone you either suck at posting or you hold a grudge over stupid shit, but whatever the case is we already have a system for getting rid of them (lol polls).


This is an insulting and inflammatory post.

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