Severance on Apple TV+

Here is the standalone Severance thread. I am currently pretty head-over-heels and have to keep reminding myself it’s just a TV show.

It seems obvious to me that anyone who wishes to avoid spoilers should not even open this thread, but I guess we should still spoiler mostly everything?

Anyway here are the things in which I am currently most interested, not in any order:

Helly / Helena: When we see Helly on the severed floor in episode one of season two, is that Helly or Helena? In episode two Helena seems totally transfixed by Helly’s kissing Mark. My gut interpretation is that Helena sees Helly experience something that Helena herself has not experienced. She seems very moved by this revelation. I do expect that it’s Helena who returns to the severed floor, perhaps on her own volition without the board’s sanction.

Mrs. Selvig / Ms Cobell: I think the fact that she drives a White Rabbit must have some significance.

Irv: Currently the #1 thing I want to see is the time between when Irv’s outie wakes up at Burt’s house and when Milchik arrives to fire him. Irv’s outie is clearly prepared to lie and knows that there is reason to lie, which means a conversation of some substance must have taken place with Burt. And then we see Burt watching Irv in the phonebooth. We assume that Irv was leaving a message for Burt, not sure who else it could be.

The whole deal with Gemma / Ms Casey: Mark seems 100% certain that Gemma died. Is he wrong? Why does his sister even consider the possibility that Gemma could be alive - does she know something important that the viewer doesn’t know? Did Lumon reanimate Gemma? Is Ms Casey a re-creation of Gemma? What does that have to do with Cold Harbor? Mark is portrayed as integral to the completion of Cold Harbor, which seems to indicate that Gemma is involved. Is Lumon working on something to do with immortality?

Dylan G: Why was a Dylan doppelganger interviewing Dylan at the door company? Was it just to emphasize that he was a lock for the job until severance came up, or is there more to it? Also, reference is made to lots of short-term employment for Dylan in his past, I wonder if we’ll learn more about that.

Mr. Milchik: God I love the motorcycle scenes.


I’ll come back to this thread once I get caught up on the new season.

I don’t think it makes any sense at all to have a dedicated Severance thread and keep everything spoiled. You know what thread you’re in, unlike the General Discussion thread.

I also rewatched S1E1 last night, and part of the intro questionnaire for Helly R is “can you name a US state?” She did know a state, but couldn’t tell you her name, eye color of her mom, etc. And Mark calls her answers “a perfect score”, so they establish pretty clearly that they know “normal” things, just not any personal things.


I’ve never watched a second of Severance. I can’t tell if I’d like it or if it fits into the category of “TV’s Golden Age of What The Hell did I Just Watch”


I think that’s fair.

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IMO the problem you face is that for many of us it didn’t really “click” until mid-way through season one. So I can’t say “just watch an episode or two and you’ll know if it’s not for you”.

With that said, I really think it’s great.

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I think it’s a show you have to binge. Huge problem is the long gap between S1 and S2, which causes one to forget a ton of important details.

Also it’s a bit slow during the 1st half of S1, so you have to put up with that. Nevertheless, it’s a great show and you won’t be disappointed.

I’d wait until s2 is complete and binge the whole thing.

I see the argument for this, but it is kind of fun having something too look forward to each week. Been a while since I’ve looked forward to a show releasing an episode like this.

Nice one I didn’t catch this before

I also lol’d that her first name is “Harmony”

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Much like squid game, true detective s1, and Every Coen Brothers Movie, it takes a while for things to really get going. But once it starts going it takes off

If you seek literal instant gratification that’s slow horses you’re looking for, it’s on the same network even!

I’ve rewatched the first three episodes now. I agree it’s a really good binge show, it didn’t feel that slow to us when we watched it because we did it a year after it first aired, and we could get through it in a few days. It still doesn’t feel that slow to me now, but it’s because these three episodes have taken 24 hours, not two weeks.

I found the first season more consistently engaging than the consensus seemed to be for people who watched it week to week. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend it because of a slow first half or whatever, the binging really helps.


It’s one of the best shows I’ve ever seen. Rewatching S1 with my wife and son because he never saw it. Every actor is fantastic, but I’m really blown away getting to see two all-timers in Turturro and Walken together.


Also, the passages from Ricken’s book are amazing. Camaraderie comes from the Latin for “camera,” which means something you take pictures with.

Ricken is great. Such a weirdo dweeb, but also so kind and earnest with a bit of selfishness.


LOL, I completely missed this or forgot it.

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We just rewatched that episode an hour ago.

lol yeah I’m all about Ricken

If self-awareness was currency he’d be one broke mf’er

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Am I supposed to know what Cobell is playing at here? I feel like I missed something because I can’t tell if she wants Mark to stay or quit. I’m also not clear as to whether she accepted her “promotion” offer or if she’s done with lumon

At first I thought she wanted him to stay cover Lumon’s ass, like a “keep him happy” situation so he’s not trying to sabotage the company. But at the end of the episode, it looked like they needed him specifically for some account. Whatever that is specifically is a mystery.

It also seemed TBD if Harmony accepted the new position - she clearly sniffed out that it was just a bullshit non-job to keep her happy. Lumon doesn’t want her going rogue.

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I think Lumon is a business, but it’s also a religion. Cobel is a true believer. Severance, or the goal of Severance, is basically a spiritual endeavor, but the business side of Lumon is hijacking it for profit and power.

I think the goal/purpose is ultimately life extension/immortality, and I think Cobel will end up on Mark’s team.

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Mark’s sister seems like not a moron. How the fuck does she end up with Ricken?