SARS-CoV-2: Electric Superflu

Study indicates we are looking at 60,000 deaths per day at the peak in the US alone: White House Takes New Line After Dire Report on Death Toll - The New York Times

Even the best case scenario for extreme measures adopted immediately indicates that hospitals become overwhelmed.


60k deaths a day. :astonished: That doesn’t seem possible. I hope it’s not possible.

A friend at work has just texted me to say he’s self-isolating with a high temperature, aching limbs and cough. :(

I’ve had a tightness in my lungs for a few days and put it down to seasonal hay fever that I always get though not like this with asthma for decades. I’ll see if I can get a salbutamol inhaler from the doctor just in case.

I don’t like to make too much of a fuss about these things. :slight_smile:


Has @Yuv checked in lately? Wasn’t he feeling ill a few days back?

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And… I’m officially working from home going into the office one day a week. I’ve pulled my kids out of day care.


Predicted deaths in the absence of controls.

“The effectiveness of any one intervention in isolation is likely to be limited, requiring multiple interventions to be combined to have a substantial impact on transmission,” the authors wrote.

“The major challenge of suppression,” the British scientists concluded, is the length of time that intensive interventions would be needed, given that “we predict that transmission will quickly rebound if interventions are relaxed.”

“We don’t have a clear exit strategy,” Dr. Ferguson said of the recommended measures. “We’re going to have to suppress this virus — frankly, indefinitely — until we have a vaccine.”

That article was full of bad news. Basically we need a vaccine fast.

So day 3 of self isolation. My router just died. Not sure when they’ll be able to send a new one. If I can’t get Internet I’m going to go full jack torrence very soon.


2.2m… if the national GOP still exists after that we deserve them and I’ll probably succumb to my own economic interests, go full sociopath, and become a chamber of commerce Republican.

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If you rent a router from your internet provider, you can probably order one off Amazon that will work and save you the rental cost each month. If you’re not tech savvy post your internet provider and current router model and someone will help you.

I’m in the UK. Using virgin media. I know fuck all about routers except that they are supposed to have flashing lights and mine has no lights. :)


Damn every industry is gonna go to Trump begging for a bailout



Obviously you’ve tried turning it off at the wall for a minute and on again?

And btw - fuck Branson and telling 8,500 employees to take 8 weeks of unpaid leave.

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Well - everything I found tells me that Virgin Media requires you to use their own modem.

For Virgin Media, you must use the supplied SuperHub for internet access. But set it to modem mode and your choice of Wi-Fi router can be hooked up to handle other network functions.

So you’ll have to have a SuperHub regardless. We may be out of luck. But I’ll do a little more digging and send you a message if I see anything helpful, sorry I was hopeful to save you a few bucks!

Yes and multiple sockets. In fairness I haven’t tested a different power adapter but it’s a weirdly shaped prong at the end (why are these things not standardised like phone chargers?). No real idea where I’d find a spare adapter the right shape.

Ready in case I need it!

(I have ticked “brief trips, near to the house, linked to individual physical activity, with the exclusion of all collective sporting activity, and the needs of pets”. I think they meant ‘or’ and not ‘and’, or my French is even worse than I think.)


The same as why Sky and Virgin etc have their own propriety routers that you can’t switch between, ie rip-off Britain.

Hearing a lot of whispers that Australia is going to take more severe steps over the next few days. Things I’ve heard mentioned are closing all restaurants and bars, closing all schools and shutting down all non-essential services. While things are still not too bad in SA where I live, things in NSW are, uh, not going great:

A third of all coronavirus cases in Australia were reported in the last 48 hours.

Do you guys think it’s safe to guy to my apartment gym? Apartment capacity is like 100 people. 10% of which go to the gym. There is sanitary wipes up there to clean everything. Thinking of only going when no one else is there. Foolish?

Personally I think it’s fine. What are you going to do, not exercise for months? That’s how long this thing is going to go on.