SARS-CoV-2: Electric Superflu

Damn every Central American country is just straight up closing the borders to foreigners and non-residents. I wish I was trapped in Guatemala right now.

I’m talking about over-the-counter disposal surgical masks.

The hospital my wife works at in Seattle is apparently already needing to reuse masks, will likely be reusing wipes soon, and is making their own hand sanitizer.

My concern levels keep rising higher than I previously thought possible, daily.

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A guy I play poker with said his company ordered 3,000 laptops for WFH.

You just don’t tell them why you’re asking and slip it in there…

“Hmmm, ok, and how long have you had a cough? Right, ok, and was that around the time you self-isolated, or how long ago did you do that? Two days ago? Oh, man, I’m really sorry to hear that. NEEEEXXXXXXT!”


Like wouldn’t bit be a net social benefit to just let casinos die? (I think gambling should be illegal, btw.)

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Casinos should be last on the list for a bail out. Even if they all die there will be a bunch more to take their place when the dust settles.


I gotta be honest, every time I see anything in the news about this, DeWine is doing a great job. He’s not the GOP governor I would have guessed would do well here, but props to him.

The Acme near me has beer and wine, I think liquor can only be purchased in the state shops though. At Acme you do have to check out separately with alcohol. You do one first, then the other, at a different register.

Hang in there… Hope she is able to stay healthy and not catch anything! What does your wife do?

I get that the current isolation strategy is designed to buy time and “flatten the curve,” but it may be ineffective for anything other than short term and a new strategy may be needed within a month or so.

Apropos the earlier discussion,



Ireland (Republic) announced 54 new cases yesterday. Total cases at 223 with 2 deaths.Government estimating 15,000 cases by March 31st.

140,000 lost their jobs over the weekend, mind-blowing in a state with a total population of fewer than 5 million. A further expected 200,000 job losses expected by the weekend.

All schools, universities and creches closed since Friday. Pubs closed since Sunday. A massive recruitment campaign underway in the health system. Most people I know are being fairly responsible - social distancing etc. Supermarkets announced yesterday that the first hour or two everyday are for elderly people only.

Happy St. Patrick’s Day! :shamrock: :shamrock: :shamrock:


This is one of the usual (and few) benefits of a large corporate structure over a small lightweight set-up.
You timed it well.

I work for a similarly sized public organisation and we all received a txt message last night telling us to work from home until further notice, and a phone call from our line manager confirming it.

This was a metro station in Mexico City during rush hour tonight (not my photo). Sadly, I think this will be a huge disaster. Even El Salvador is calling on Mexico to take more drastic measures. Tens of thousands will die and that’s probably a conservative estimate.

(sorry jal, I didn’t mean this as a reply to your post)


Just douse them in hot sauce. That makes processed food more edible.

First confirmed case in our company, of course it was the IT guy who gave us the notebooks for homeoffice :frowning:

Gave him my details so now I can wait if the local authorities will call me to get tested. :|

My local R-State representative is freaking out about a constitutional crisis because Dewine doesn’t have the power to do what he’s doing.

Fuck off. Delay the vote. Ramp up mail voting in the meantime. Hopefully get past the peak of the virus, and then less people will die.

First confirmed case in my organisation, on the same floor. They don’t say who it is but I know everyone in that team. :frowning:

We’ll have to get used to most of us getting it - soon this will seem like normal life.

Even more important now than ever to remember the mortality rate is very low, and even those at most risk are overwhelming favourites to survive.

The effects on companies and jobs look to be terrible, though.

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How has the US already 86 deaths while being behind the curve of Italy and Germany. Germany got 17 confirmed deaths with almost double number of infections.

Some here have expressed an interest in how other countries are doing.

The UK gov initially adopted a high-risk strategy of allowing people to acquire natural immunity, hoping to flatten out the curve favourably to the summer months when the NHS is less stressed and more able to cope.

Yesterday, this suddenly and dramatically changed:

A week is a long time in a coronavirus pandemic. Within days of Boris Johnson and his advisers announcing that anyone with symptoms of a cold should stay at home for seven days but otherwise live life as normal, the prime minister came out with a series of bombshells that will effectively confine most of the population to their homes.

What changed was new data on the impact of Italy’s out-of-control epidemic on its health service. Basically, it is catastrophic, with 30% of hospitalised patients having to be admitted to intensive care. The teams of modellers at Imperial College and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine who advise government crunched those numbers – and the death toll and pressure on the NHS that came out were unacceptable.

Prof Neil Ferguson at Imperial College’s MRC Centre for Global Infectious Disease Analysis and colleagues found that the mitigation strategy, as they called it – or scenario 1 – that the government had just announced would lead to 260,000 deaths. That would be not just deaths from the virus, but from other illnesses that the NHS would be too hard-pressed to treat.

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Presumably because Germany is testing more. Pretty sure US had way more cases than officially being recorded.