SARS-CoV-2: Electric Superflu

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As far as the planet is concerned, we are the disease. In nature, when a species over breeds there is potential for starvation and a increase in predators.

On a different, I can’t imagine if their is even a mild natural disaster how this clown show is going to respond. Guess it depends on red or blue state.


SARS-CoV-2: The Moron Apocalypse

Not a fan of watching repeated of sporting events, but I did enjoy the 2009 Ashes highlights last night, parts of which originally passed me by due to the death of my dad.

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So Republicans are happy to die to help the stock market, but they are not willing to even slightly increase their chance of dying to stop other people from actually dying.

Of course if the virus ever hits them hard, they’ll be begging anyone not currently using all their ventilators to share.

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Did you get the one that wasn’t pink but cost 2x as much?

Cock teasing


Are you familiar with Fox News at all? Donald Trump? Your level of optimism about the post-religious world is that of a time traveler steeping directly from an early 2000s message board to the modern day.


Awful. Hasn’t that family already experienced enough pain and loss as Mets fans??


I haven’t left my apartment building in 3 weeks. Feels like forever.

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I think it’s sociologically impossible for organized religion to not exist. If it somehow didn’t, a lot of conservative religious folks would instead gravitate towards something resembling secular alt-right beliefs. I don’t see how that would be an improvement.

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You’re allowed /supposed to go for walks if you’re feeling ok and keep your distance from others. Keep healthy.


I live in the middle of NYC and am taking zero chances right now.


Yeah I get that, but staying cooped up for what may be 3 months or more will likely take its toll on your physical and mental health.

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Equal parts deep and totally unsolicited condescension and horrible reading comprehension. Great post! You are a great poster.

Anyway, I guess when I came here from an early 2000s message board it was just before the time George W Bush was telling people God told him to invade Iraq. Buddy, religious mania aka mental illness manifesting itself in mass murder and misery is a phenomenon that is both way more psychologically powerful than, and looooooong predates, Fox News and Donald Trump.

And with regards to COVID19, even Fox and Trump are no longer telling people to congregate inside of a building and breathe on and sing to each other and shake each other’s hands and everything else that happens in a church. In fact, there is only one type of people that are still doing this stuff that is directly harmful to the public health. Who is it? Various religious grifters and griftees! And why not? They are the ones that are protected by Jesus’s magical blood!

I don’t see how that would not NOT be an improvement. The religious aspect adds another layer of malicious nonsense onto their belief systems AND gets the indirect benefit of less scrutiny than a secular belief because people are (reasonably) scared of “attacking” another person’s religion more so than “attacking” any other type of belief.

If somebody tells you that Hillary Clinton has a child sex slave dungeon at Pizza Hut, nobody is shy about calling that stupid. If somebody tells you that Zombie Jesus turns himself into crackers and we’re supposed to eat his cracker body and drink his blood wine, 90+% of people are gonna politely change the subject at best.

But anyway, this is outside the scope of the thread for sure so I’ll let you have the last word if you want.

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This doesn’t make sense. Why would the “brain chemistry” being more primal make it less likely to be replaced? Why wouldn’t it make it more so? And given that we observe territoriality, even primitive war-waging, in the higher apes, why do you even think xenophobia is less primal than religion? We don’t see religion in the apes.

For many people, religion functions as a heuristic and leads them to generally do a lot of the social behaviors that they would have done without the trappings of religion. Religion doesn’t turn people into assholes. Especially now in America when there is much more freedom to change religion or have none at all, assholes are free to shop around and find a religion that enables them to be an asshole.

Of course, I identify as a statist and a theist, so I tend to see atheistic libertarian bros as worse than religious conservatives.

Here’s what some people are doing with their free time in lockdown.

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