SARS-CoV-2: Electric Superflu

Did some work there a few years back

It’s pronounced

Al binny

Good times

Here’s the story. It’s pretty heartbreaking.


That was the merge tribe, Soliantu

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For Wimbledon

Watch the 07 and 08 finals

08 is top five match of all time

2019 final might be the best ever

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Thread title proposal
COVID-19: Making Threads Go Viral Since January 2020

Aside from the occasional church, are there still people meeting in huge groups across America?

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SARS-CoV 2: Electric Superflu (It‘s not punny anymore)



Mom and sister live in Cinci. God damn these people… (church goers, not family).

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Electric superflu 2: Flulanders

Just change the name of the locked thread and name the new thread this same thing. It’s too perfect


Singer Pink tested positive for virus

US singer Pink has said she tested positive for the coronavirus and is now donating $1m (£815,000) to two emergency funds.

The Grammy Award-winning artist said that she and her young son Jameson had shown symptoms two weeks ago and a test revealed that she had the disease. She tweeted that they were retested “a few days ago” and were “thankfully negative”.

“We must make testing free and more widely accessible to protect our children, our families, our friends and our communities,” she said, adding that she would donate $500,000 to both the Temple University Hospital Emergency Fund in Philadelphia and the City of Los Angeles Mayor’s Emergency Covid-19 crisis fund.

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Russia’s London embassy annoyed with BBC

The Russian Embassy in London has criticised the BBC for looking for a “hidden agenda” behind Russia’s assistance to the US and Italy during the pandemic.

The embassy was responding to a story published on 3 April - “What does ‘From Russia with love’ really mean?”- which debunked Russian state media reports that exaggerated Italy’s gratitude for the aid.

While admitting that “Russian media reports on Russian flags being flown and Russian anthem being sung in Italy are misleading”, the statement stresses that the aid was provided free of charge and on the request from Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte.

“It is a sign of our solidarity with the Italian people, not linked to any political agenda,” it says.

The BBC story also cited an article in Italy’s La Stampa newspaper quoting unnamed government officials in Rome as saying that 80% of the aid was “useless”.

Hot (?) take:

Organized religion is the greatest evil and most effective murderer ever invented on this planet, and as such the many thousands of people it will kill during COVID-19 is just another few drops in the ocean of death and misery organized religion has directly and indirectly caused.

If organized religion did not exist, the “curve” of the spread of COVID-19 would be significantly flatter. The majority of people would NOT replace organized religion with something else (and presumably not something requiring people to congregate!) onto which they ferociously cling like a farmer holding onto a lamppost in a tornado. This is because, among other reasons, the particular brain chemistry in play with religious devotion is much more primal than that for xenophobia or which sports team you support, etc.


What the hell happened in France yesterday? The total cases jumped from 59k to 82k in a single day (39% increase). Backlog? The previous days only had 9% and 4% increases.

Source: Johns Hopkins University, national public health agencies
Last updated on 4 April 2020, 07:00 BST.

has different numbers

Probably copied the wrong number (see China next line up)

Found the explanation, just had to scroll down:


March chilled ya, April killed ya.