SARS-CoV-2: Electric Superflu

  1. They crump pretty quickly - a lot of them get intubated shortly after arrival in the ED
  2. Gotta have a vent (plus all the other stuff you need - sterilization, respiratory therapists, guy like me to put in tube, pulmonary/critical care guy to run vent. We’re all rare animals - I generally would intubate a person or 2 every week or so, and that at a busy trauma center. 6 people show up in 30 minutes - it’s not gonna go as smoothly, and from what I can tell these sorts can decompensate REALLY quickly



You wear a mask to catch your spit. If everyone does this, there’s no spit, ergo no transmission.

You wear gloves when you (1) have to touch something outside your zone of control & (2) can’t sanitize ~immediately afterwards. You remove the gloves (turning then inside out) immediately after you’re done touching things.

SARS-CoV-2: Electric Superflu (April will take it higher)


And then it seems like most people just throw them on the ground in the supermarket parking lot.


SARS-CoV-2: If You Make It To Part 4, Consider Yourself Lucky


I went to Costco yesterday. Had something I had no choice but to pickup at Office Depot. Costco lot was as empty as possible (it was a few minutes before their new closing time that I wasn’t aware of) and I was masked up so I said ah let’s get it done.

Bought stuff for two weeks, easily. As Im putting my stuff through, the cashier literally removes his mask to cough.


Talked to my mom today who is a nurse. Told me they are supposed to be screening people before they come in but they aren’t because they don’t have the correct thermometers to do this. They only have the ones you use in mouth. Im a contractor and have a box of n95 masks and offered those to her. Said she no thanks and that she wouldn’t wear to show solidarity with the other nurses who don’t have any.


SARS-CoV-2: Electric Superflu (Ain’t no sunshine, ain’t no rain)


I finally got my pulse oximeter from Amazon and it’s showing 95-97% for me. I feel fine though. Is that normal?


That is insane.


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I have one of the 15-20 dollar ones i recently got off amazon. If You have the same one you have to be still and sometimes adjust it on your finger to get a good reading.


NYC is to Mayors as Texas is to Governors.

I splurged on the $30 model, or we have the same thing but I got price gouged.

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When I first got it, I was mostly 96-98%, now I’m mostly 97-99% which I think is because I’ve dropped a few pounds, but maybe just variance. Anything 95+ should be fine, though. Sometimes when I first pop it on there it reads 95 for a few seconds, and then after 30 seconds or so it starts going up.

Jesus, did you lose your shit at him?

Sweet. The earth is setting us up. Corona Virus to reduce vibrations then the core will open up and destroy us all.

So long everyone.


One Flu Over the Cuckoo Nest


lol, I’ve been one of the more optimistic voices ITT, but these titles are all insane sweet summer child shit.