SARS-CoV-2: Electric Superflu

I appreciate the update.


It’s ALWAYS Ohio. Always.


Frequently it’s Florida. But when it’s not Florida it’s always Ohio.

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Hard to tell the difference between her and Elizabeth Bathory

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There’s a FB group for my town and people in there have been asking if we can own chickens in the city limits and how many if so. No one seems to know anything other than you’re not allowed to keep a rooster for some reason :man_shrugging:

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This is both creepy and interesting at the same time. Google has drilled down to county level data to see where people are with their phones.

This is Texas

Disney is furloughing almost all their employees next week. They will get to keep their health insurance for the time being but no pay.

Have you ever heard a rooster at 4am? It’s not fun.


It about like the steam whistle over at the sawmill. Tells folks it’s time to get up

But Disney will keep charging season pass holders.

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This is pretty interesting.

No idea how retail and recreation are down just 77% in Prague when all of those places have been closed by the government.

Wow. That is super effed up.

I don’t see how Disney World can’t be among the last places to reopen. People coming in from all over the world and rides and exhibits which don’t exactly promote social distancing. Perfect place to start a second wave of infections.

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Maraamu or Rotu?

I’m no longer convinced that the ventilator bottleneck matters as much in the big picture if it’s true that somewhere between 70-90 percent of those vented for this end up dying anyway. I guess if it’s closer to 70% it matters, but I no longer think the difference between a 1 percent CFR and a 10 percent CFR comes down to the availability of ventilators. (I was sure of this a week or two ago.)

Why the fuck is it so hard to get half decent info about anything to do with this thing?


Except when it’s Florida.

What would be difference between 1% and 10% then? Just lack of testing to show real numbers?

Or the treatment before the vents?