SARS-CoV-2: Electric Superflu

“Hey Brooke, let’s get after it!”

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Looks like we’re about to come up on 10K posts for this thread. Current title is gonna be pretty hard to beat.


Sars-cov-2: FUCK YOU

my patience has worn.


Impossible, it’s going on after The Beatles. Best to just accept we’re getting an inferior title and do the best we can.

There’s an egg farm down the road from me (for real…sometimes if the wind is right we can smell it) that sells from a roadside stand.

They are currently charging $8 a dozen. :rage: :rage:

Seriously considering acquiring a couple of chickens.


Just subtitle it.

SARS-CoV-2: Electric Superflu (early April edition)


… The Next Wave
… Episode N95
… M-M-M-M-My Corona!


SARS-CoV-2: Electric Superflu is unbeatable. We either keep it or accept that whatever comes next will be vastly inferior. I say keep it.


It’s the greatest thread title in the history of thread titles, maybe ever. People say that. I hear people say that.


Bacon and eggs sandwiches in the menu tomorrow morning. No egg issue in PA so far.

USA #1!!!


So glad I don’t get a big chunk of my salary as a bonus anymore. I always knew they’d have that in their hip pocket to screw us someday. Most of it was supposed to be basically guaranteed - but you could never find that exact wording written anywhere.

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Hashbrown updates are always welcome in my book.


Micro has said it, I have said it, others have said it.

Testing as many people as possible is literally the ONLY thing we can do now that will have significant benefits beyond what we are already doing. It is crazy nobody is pushing this in authority.

I wish I was not so lazy so I could go back to the very first press conference on corona where trump and pence talked about us having millions or tens of millions of tests by now due to their awesomeness.

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Trump is literally the worst “leader” in the history of the world.

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They’ve told us the exact date the bonuses will be deposited and when any salary increases from merit increases or promotions will hit also. Both in early May. Sometime in the next couple of weeks I should get my annual review when the numbers will be finalized and presented in a memo. Once I get that I’ll feel pretty good that I’ll actually be getting it.

I’m pretty sure I was also going to get a large salary adjustment based on the crazy inflation in salaries in my field, but that’s probably gone now. Oh well. Honestly if I can hold my job I can do without a big salary adjustment and without the bonuses, if it comes to that.

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OMG the piece they just showed on CNN where a reporter stood out in front of a church in Ohio that is staying open and interviewed people leaving and they were all completely defiant, saying like they’re bathing in the blood of Christ, quoting bible verses, super heehaw pastor says nobody at his church has it because he would have heard about it if true. Just fucking amazing. I’ll find the video eventually.


Every day I pray today is the day the numbers let themselves down. I felt that way at 15 deaths and at 1300 deaths. It can feel pretty defeating at times.

God doesn’t hate math.