SARS-CoV-2: Electric Superflu

Jason … dude … RIP


Alabama finally issues stay at home order starting tomorrow at 5pm.

Lol I was trying to figure out where they are governor.


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Did he really say this part?

Testing is way behind in Texas. Assume the number is at least 10x.

There was a news report up thread that had more COVID hospitalizations than positive tests in the Houston area.

Who in this thread was advocating for testing asymptomatic people?

He is advocating for testing 15K asymptomatic people in NY and explains why those results would be important.

Also doesn’t understand why we are not pouring every resource into understanding this.

8 minute video, I thought it was interesting.


That was not limited to service industry jobs. When I was younger and about 4 years on the job as a prosecutor, I got the flu. I had a complex grand jury presentation. I could not call in sick with something like that scheduled. I went in, did it, ended up with pneumonia, and ended up out of work for a month.

Looks like the WHO has finally come around on masks being a good idea.

Huge fuck up on their part. R0 in the CR has been cut in half due to the lockdown, enforced social distancing and mandatory mask wearing.

I mean we won’t be opening the border any time soon but if we can get the R0 below 1 then maybe we can get control of this thing.

The link below has the current data on CV and predictions for the Czech Republic.

Now the creators have a background in physics rather than epidemiology. My assumption is that the projected line is how fast the virus would spread without any restrictions. The orange dots are the number of reported cases total day to day. The orange shade around the orange dotted line represents 1 standard deviation from the projected number.

So I’m pretty damn happy seeing that the number of cases has gone from doubling every 3 days as it was at the very beginning of the lockdown to every 8 days.

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CDC now finally recommending masks but Trump immediately sabatoging it, saying he won’t be wearing one and it’s optional.

Now 40% of the country has to decide if they go with CDC or Trump, and we all know which way that 40% will go.

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The politicians who appear on TV every night in the Czech Republic talk through their masks while giving press conferences. Everybody gets their own podium so they don’t have to adjust the microphone for other people.


Per NPR Trump has been tested twice and Pence once. What about you guys?

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I think Wolf made it mandatory in Pennsylvania today. Whatever you can use as medical grade ones should be reserved for medical staff.

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I’m paraphrasing and ribbing him in a little in that last part

neighbor’s friend sent her a bunch of surgical masks (who knows where they came from, and I ain’t asking) and she posted on Nextdoor offering some to everyone in the group.

I got 4, just in case. I’m no longer relying on my souvenir Survivor 4 Buff that I got at the live finale…Not sure it could handle repeated washings without falling apart.

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Got eggs here in Orlando. Not as many but Publix had some on the shelf this morning.

Had two eggs for breakfast this morning. PM for prices

Northridge Costco FTW

Got eggs, no milk. Eggs for me for breakfast for the time being.