SARS-CoV-2: Electric Superflu


Fauci bobblehead figure goes on sale

Dr Anthony Fauci, the face of the Trump administration’s coronavirus task force, now has his very own bobblehead figure.

Standing about 7in (18cm) tall, the model of the plain-speaking expert motions with his hand to show how the US needs to “flatten the curve” of the Covid-19 infection rate - while bobbing his head.

The manufacturers of the bobblehead figure, the National Bobblehead Hall of Fame, say that $5 from every model sold will be donated to the 100 Million Mask Challenge.

The Dr Fauci figures are available to pre-order at $25 each.

Picture from a few days ago from my mom’s friend that lives there - tilted - “Social distancing in The Villages.”

This was posted two weeks ago. At that point I had already been hunkered down for a couple of weeks and was physically prepared to weather the storm.

This post stuck with me and was helpful in getting me to prepare mentally and emotionally for what we’re now in the middle of.

I still have hope that we can fade the worst (“high hundreds of thousands of deaths”) and that some areas of the country/world will escape NY levels of carnage, but this was a slap in the face I probably needed at the time.


This US place sounds like it is full of dickheads.

That being said this provision game is extremely complicated and there are a lot of shenanigans by a lot of people. Plus a huge number of sellers/brokers just want the most money and nothing else matters.

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In a year’s time these people are going to be saying stuff like “That whole Coronvirus thing was so overblown, we kept on golfing and the two of us that lived are totally fine!”


What if every single year all the media made daily reports for the 68k people who die because of lack of health care?

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It would be a start…

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Right… Heading to Tescos, full shop is doubtful but I’ll try :grimacing:

Gloves? No
Masks? Yes
Alcohol wipes? Yes.

Nerves? Shattered. :rofl:



How was the concert? I’d go for Ordinary Love alone

FOX is on it with a fair and balanced story.

US order to stop exporting masks sparks backlash

One of the US’s largest manufacturers, 3M, says it has been ordered by the White House to stop shipping N95 masks - disposable masks which filter out at least 95% of airborne particles - to Canada and Latin America.

US officials estimate the country will need 300m masks a month, but only about 50m are currently being produced.

On Friday morning, the company urged the Trump administration to reconsider the order, which was made using the Defense Production Act, citing “significant humanitarian implications” and expressing concern that other countries might retaliate.

In his daily press briefing, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said he was in contact with US officials and was trying to “make them understand”.

“There are thousands of nurses in Windsor who work in Detroit every single day, and Americans depend on them. There are medical products and other essential goods that move across the border in both directions," he said.

“These are things Americans rely on and it would be a mistake to create blockages or reduce trade.”

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Michael Barbaro got fairly testy with Fauci in today’s podcast episode of The Daily. Fauci keeps ducking and Barbaro is like mfer answer the question. He’ll let Fauci off for a minute and then use whatever Fauci says to redirect back to his original question.

Paraphrasing, but it’s like

Barbaro: Should we have acted earlier?
Fauci: Well lots of people come down on both sides, you always have regrets.
Barbaro: Which side do YOU come on?
Fauci: Doing more sooner might have helped…but no way to know for sure.


Barbaro: Would it help if we had federal guidance and distribution in place?
Fauci: Obviously lots of people have different opinions on the role of federal oversight vs state Independence.
Barbaro: But what do YOU think? Should the federal government play a larger role?
Fauci: I’d say don’t be overbearing but otherwise I’d say be more direct than some.
Barbaro: Would you say that about the current pandemic?
Fauci: Well of course Trump is President and if I say the wrong thing I’m fired and millions extra people will die so can we just end the interview thanks

Unfortunately the episodes are only 20 minutes so of course Barbaro has to eventually let him off.

We did our biweekly grocery trip this morning. So far, there’s only ~500 confirmed cases in our ~million person city in TX, so I wasn’t too concerned. I’d say 20% of people were wearing masks, with about an even split between n95/surgical and homemade. They were limiting the number of people allowed in and had signs all over telling people to stay 6 ft away from each other, and for the most part people did a pretty good job of that. Plenty of water, plenty of chicken and other meats, honestly plenty of most things except for liquid hand soap and clorox wipes.

It was great, but I’m a huge stan (that’s her in my profile pic) so not the best person to ask. John Legend opened before he was a huge megastar. I think the wife liked him better (better than Sade; obv she likes him better than she likes me).

Bummed I didn’t go to the Prince concert a few weeks before that.

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Unfortunate news :(

Will it be the kind where you have to wait 2 weeks for the result?

Shopping finished for the foreseeable future, maybe 3 weeks…

Picked up

Chicken breasts x12
Steak Mince
Pork steaks x 10
Steak (Irish :cry:) but will do. :blush: X4
Pork chops

Tins of pineapples for curry’s and frozen vegetables and chips + potatoes.

Coke and milk… Coffee, water, 12 rolls and breakfast cereal…

The shop had everything including hand sanitizer and wipes…

There is a distancing system starting tomorrow in store and they close at 10pm…

Only seen 1 member of staff wearing a mask and since I’ve had my own vehicle valeted I used a taxi :rofl: Driver had a mask on and I shared some tips.

Post office workers got a staring too after crowding me at the cash line…

Hand wipes and sanitizer in store at the doors + plastic sheets at the checkouts for minimum protection.

WAAF… :flushed:

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