SARS-CoV-2: Electric Superflu

The US has been accused of “modern piracy” after reportedly diverting a shipment of masks intended for the German police, and outbidding other countries in the increasingly fraught global market for coronavirus protective equipment.

About 200,000 N95 masks made by the manufacturer 3M were diverted to the US as they were being transferred between planes in Thailand, according to the Berlin authorities who had ordered the masks for the police force.

So you didn’t already have insurance, but now you want to get insurance because your job cut back your hours and tips?

Also, is Loeffler personally megarich, or is she just married to a billionaire under a pre-nup? I don’t know the answer, but it’s not hard to imagine a scenario where she has a real motive to grift.

Plastic is overkill. Just wear a pandemic-movie style hazmat suit with oxygen tank, triple-gloved. When the guy shows up give him a healthy spritz of your homemade cleaning concoction, full-body. Then hover nearby and quickly attack any surface he touches with your sprayer. He pushes the power button to verify that it doesn’t work; spritz and wipe. He opens and closes the door; spritz and wipe. He puts down his screwdriver; spritz and wipe. He offers you his work order and pen upon completion; spritz and wipe, then spritz before you give it back to him.

Please record the visit.


Only if you had insurance through employer, it’s loss of coverage that opens enrollment not loss of employment


Bill Withers is an all-time great. I met him a few years ago at a Sade concert. I have my 15-yo daughter going around the house singing Aint No Sunshine.


I’d like that guy on Twitter who does the weekly list of people who should have their phones taken away get the VID.

Does Sears still exist? I honestly don’t know. All the ones near me have been closed for years.

I don’t know all the details, but income loss is a qualifying event if it affect the plans you would be eligible for, which in your hypothetical it almost certainly would.

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Nah. The Astros are involved somehow. I mean who has benefited more? The beaning and booing will be forgotten by the time baseball is played again.

Your pony needs a qualifying event.

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Sorry, simp. I’ve got to go with Bob on this.

For that theory to make sense you would have (among other things) to believe that

  1. She got zero public info at that meeting
  2. Rich people don’t like to make money that they clearly don’t need.
  3. Her broker’s timing on these trades was an incredible coincidence.

I have a very large bonus due in early May. So far there is no indication that they will be canceled, but that date can’t get here fast enough imo. As soon as that cash hits my checking account my stress level will recede at least a couple of notches.

How much of a cut would you take to get the bonus right now? May 1 is a long way away in COVID days. I’d snap accept 75% now, knowing nothing. Maybe even less if I knew more specifics.

Cases up 32% day-over-day in Sumter county, and our first 2 deaths. Figures to be bout tree fiddy next week.

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Good question.

My boss seems extremely confident we are still getting them. And we are still hiring and just got a couple of promotions approved. But I think I would settle on 75% to take it now. Assuming no hyper inflation, 75% would take my emergency fund from 6 months of expenses to about 18 months.

I’m in the same spot. To heighten the tension, I expected (based on my own faulty assumption) to get it in the last March payroll, but it was actually always supposed to be paid “in April.” I was awful nervous for a while until I figured out where I’d gone wrong.