SARS-CoV-2: Electric Superflu

Target and Walmart sell dumbbells

Yeah, I checked the local target and that looks like the place. Local Walmart and the other target are out of stock.


I know, first world problems, but bonuses are gonna suck next year because no way we hit our 2020 company revenue targets so no matter how good our individual performance is, the bonus is gonna be much much lower.

I’m thankful I still have a job and hopefully won’t be laid off, but it’s still a sizable, budgeted part of our household budget, so have to start planning for that now and not get blindsided next winter.

I mostly write this bc it was triggered by your chart and I know others on here may also have bonuses based on company performance, so they should be thinking about that before the end of the year.

lol I’m sure just more coincidences


I’m planning on trying out this dumbbell routine for the next month to see how it does:

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Mike Pesca of Slate’s podcast has a good thing on this. She’s basically so rich that her stock sales are irrelevant, doesn’t handle her own money, and basically lost money on her purchases. Should people in Congress be able to own and trade stocks? No, but this story is stupid, even with regard to Burr. Our Covid panic thread went up Jan. 25, the day of the unclassified senate briefing. If people on this forum or elsewhere didn’t sell some stock between then and March 1, that’s on them. Perfect story for a second tier journalist while the economy reshapes itself in novel ways.

America has been trying out a dumbbell routine for over 3 years.


Luckily the one true qween and real president has a plan


I was using dumbbells with Orange Theory for the last five months. Worked well. There are plenty of videos on different thigns to do and different approaches. I’m planning on doing more of a high heart rate than heavy routine. Will also need to buy a bench or fitness deck. I’m only planning to buy two sizes, as you can work with one dumbbell with both hands for some exercises that might require lighter weight.

Sweet summer child, this is just dawning on you now? The “bonus” for 98% of jobs in America this December will be that you are not in the unemployment line. The bonus pool at my company is roughly equal to the salary pool. Gives a very easy out to slash comp in half without mass layoffs, which I am massively greatful for…

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my bonus comes in next week, we didnt have a wonderful year last year and my boss already told everyone today to be happy with the pennies we are going to get.

Can someone explain the outrage on this to me? If you have a change in income or loss of job/insurance at any time, then you are automatically eligible to apply for an exchange plan for that reason. That’s already built into Obamacare.

So it would seem to me that just opening up enrollment now doesn’t really benefit very many people at all. I get that there are probably a small number that would be helped by doing this, but by and large nearly everyone that would take advantage of such a period is already eligible for their own personal special enrollment period.

Even it it’s a bad decision, it’s way down on the list of bad Trump decisions this year.

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I already stopped applying for reimbursement on my cell phone bill, which my company normally covers for everyone. The reimbursement goes to a couple of people to click Approve and I don’t want another opportunity for my name and the word “Cost” to be associated w/ each other.

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Try Sears. Nobody ever thinks to go there.

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Losing your job is a qualifying event.

What if you work in a restaurant and have your hours cut by 75% and tips by 90% during this time? Didn’t lose job so can’t qualify.

White House to test anyone near Trump

As the number of US coronavirus cases continues to rise, the White House has announced it will be testing anyone who will be in close proximity to President Donald Trump or Vice-President Mike Pence for Covid-19, starting today.

A White House spokesman said people “will be administered a Covid-19 test to evaluate for pre-symptomatic or asymptomatic carriers”.

Hard disagree on this. Rich people pull petty crimes all the time. And if the argument is that a bunch of Senators came in for a closed-door meeting that didn’t include any material information that they couldn’t have gotten from a bunch of yahoos on a message board, gtfo


Well. it looks like the governor has finally called for a legislative special session to move the election.

Wisconsin is a bit weird because they have a bunch of general elections going on at the same time, including a hotly contested state supreme court race. It screws up a bunch of local races in the same way that postponing November elections would mess up things.

I agree with the federal judge who said that it wasn’t his place to move the election. I think Evers was hoping the judge would do it for him, since he and the Republican legislature have been at highly partisan odds with one another.