SARS-CoV-2: Electric Superflu

Only eastern and central Canada to be exact.

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Lots of things you can do with soured/off milk - especially in baking.

I don’t bake myself but have childhood memories of there always being bottles of really off milk on the kitchen windowsills that went into irish soda bread.


Download and check with the Target app. It’s not great for stuff in short supply (e.g. TP, eggs) but I’ve found for other items it still seems accurate if they have it in stock (just make sure you’re looking at the right store and only for items in store, not online).


Cuomo you dog


Ok, I’m used to seeing it that way due to my work so it didn’t confuse me. I think it’s a Euro thing.

But it was also vertically centered on the 80+ age group, so I’m still not sure why clovis8 thought the 80+ age group had it better than the 40-50 y/o age group.

He’s immune to it

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This is without context but it shows our revenue drop over the last 3 weeks. Dark blue line is budget, light blue is 2019, orange is 2018. This is for a transportation company (moving mostly fuel). Wild ride.


Yeah I use spoiled milk in cooking when I have it. Most things that use milk that are properly cooked can use slightly spiked milk.

Good news, you’re way under budget.


I’ve bought dumbbells from Walmart before. I think you can check their website to see if they have them in stock at a store near you.

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It was baffling me for a while how Albany, GA was the hotspot in the state. Found out that there was a big funeral or two down there about a month ago - before the bans on gatherings kicked in - and shit spread like crazy. Lots of old people.

End of Week 2: Still, no one knows how to use Zoom.

My dad is an oncologist, one of the least “optional” services around. Said revenue is down 25% at his group. WAAF, so, so, so fucked. Now that it looks like the summer heat isn’t going to stop the virus, I don’t see how we get out of this without massive damage.

The only people w/ any job security are those in the federal government. State and local don’t count, those budgets are getting fucked too, and don’t see Mitch and Trump making it whole in a state/local bailout for blue state budgets. Will pull some BS like every state gets the same amount regardless of population, okay, okay… NY and CA can have a tiny bit more.

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Bernie talking COVID on CNN right now. He needs a better mic.