SARS-CoV-2: Electric Superflu

Did we ever solve the glove question? We’re being forced to wear them at work now and I’m not sure if that’s actually going to prevent anything.

Well, them any anyone who gets groceries where they buy groceries, gets gas where they get gas, etc., etc., etc.

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The decimal point is easy to miss because instead of being at the bottom it’s vertically centered. Almost looks like 0-30% or something.

It’s diabolical because it makes no sense!

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Oh that’ makes more sense!

That font is absolutely horrendous.


Wisconsin still hasn’t cancelled their primary happening on Tuesday WTF

12,500 cases with only 200 deaths? Ontario must be planning on restricting cases to under 40’s only, somehow

Kinda seems like most dairy products have a built-in anti-hoarding mechanism.


Went out for first time in 16 days yesterday and inevitably ended up at Costco.

I went out to buy some barbells and a gym mat but not surprisingly the sporting goods store was closed. (I get most things from Amazon, but shipping weights is too pathetic even for me.) So I put the address of another sporting goods place into Google maps and the route took me by a Costco. I figured I’d go in because they might have some fitness stuff, and my delivery set for tomorrow didn’t have some things, like rice, that I want.

Well, about 20% of people had masks, and there was about a five minute wait to get in, as they were letting in about 30 people at a time.

The fitness selection sucked, but I did get rice (brown, they were out of white) and canned pineapple and some other stuff. There were employee wiping down items in various places and clear separators had been erected at cashier stands. They gave out hand wipes on entry. The mood was calm, but some people were moving more quickly than usual.

They had most items but we’re apparently out of cleaning wipes.

You can actually freeze milk, but the rest of it is pretty hard to hoard.

I remember when the original run on things happened and I was at the store and a guy had 15 gallons of milk in his cart. Of course there are many legitimate use cases for that much milk depending on where you work, who you are supplying. Just seemed like a lot.

CNN dropping like flies. Brooke Baldwin has the 19.

I had a bag go bad on me today. Felt bad to waste that milk :disappointed:

Question: what’s my best bet for getting dumbbells and a fitness mat today? There’s a target nearby, which I’m considering. Anyone know with some confidence what store that’s likely open would have them? Hoping to buy 20 and 30 lb dumbbells.

Btw, I did check Amazon last night and they are mainly sold out, earliest delivery end of April.

TIL. Milk comes in bags.


It’s a Canadian thing.


Cilizza one time. I want to see a "COVID-19, Top 10 Winners and Losers"Cilizza piece.


Good news South Carolinians, you are not going to be pussified by the Corona.

Yeah, years of hurting unemployment benefit systems finally really coming to the fore:

I know it won’t happen, but god damn it I wish the Dem Part could unite behind a message that the Republican Party has done this shit across the country for the last several decades and hang this sihit on them, on the party, and on their morally bankrupt, phony ideology.


Thus far I’m definitely below median expectations as to covid schadenfreude. Rand Paul can’t carry the load forever. Hell, I’d settle for Melania, with my only concern that she never goes near Trump.