SARS-CoV-2: Electric Superflu

Milk cases in my local grocery stores are routinely 3/4 empty here in central FL. I haven’t seen a single egg in a store in two weeks. I’m gonna get some Egg Beaters today if they’re not out of those.

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I know I keep posting Zoom tidbits here and I don’t even use it. I just know lots of people have been thrust into using it for the first time and want people to be aware.


It’s not impossible that most of them have tested positive for it and beaten it already or tested positive for antibodies using a test that few have access to.

This isn’t an option for everyone. People can get fired/have hours cut for not going to work.


Staying home is going to be tough when we’re all in food lines.


A+ gif usage

My store ran out a couple of weeks ago but then last time I went they were about 25% full and had implemented one dozen per family limits. So maybe you’ll get restocked.

Driving TR: I drove through north county san diego on the 5 north before dawn this morning and it was madness. If you have a lifted truck is the speed limit 90? I swear I almost saw a 10 car pile up when a bunch of douche cars who all looked like they had road rage tried swerving around each other at once. I saw a work truck with a completely full bed and ladders on the roof pass everyone and then a minute later see him swerve across 2 lanes and overshoot the exit and barely make it off the freeway without crashing. I was driving 70~ mph in the slower lanes and a giant mess of cars would pass me and I’d be completely alone for a few minutes before another wild shit show of cars would go flying past.

Mid day driving is way way better but I had no idea how many douchebags that drive orange scions have essential jobs that had them criss crossing the city all day. Just amazing that everyone with 20 racing stickers on their car still has all these essential duties they need to do. Lots of motorcycle riders running late to their jobs probably just had to wear their biker gang gear to work.

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But then how do we feed the machine?

I get that, but the tweet was clearly aimed at people who have the luxury of taking time off.

I still can’t find the issue. lol at me I guess.

I overlook a major interstate in Atlanta (the Connector), and the amount of insane driving I’ve seen there and on surface streets in the last few weeks is way out of the ordinary. People are racing at all hours of the night. Fresh skid marks everywhere. People on zoom chats with me are like wtf is that howling noise–and I say it’s all the engines of motorcycles and cars racing on the surface streets.

Oh, and no reduction in traffic whatsoever since the SIP order went statewide.

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There is a food bank two blocks down the street from me that my GF and I try to donate to monthly. We made sure to make the donation the last couple months.

This is going to wreck poor people.


Aka, as I told a friend yesterday, you did not have CV when you had a cough in January.


We are not fucked. They are fucked.


Half the employers in America are going to want a doctor’s note (pre-COVID).

Good luck getting sick as a server unless you can get someone to cover your shift. That’s a great job to force people to work sick at too.

Traffic in Los Angeles is like 1 a.m. traffic during rush hour. But, I have noticed people driving crazy. Not a lot of people, but some people are taking advantage of the lack of traffic and racing around.

Since we’re sharing conspiracy theories, one I was told was that this was designed to purposely tank the entire world economy in order to give countries the excuse to all simultaneously wipe out and/or monetize their National Debts restarting everyone at a zero basis.

We couldn’t find eggs in the grocery but went to a local produce place that also has a bunch of hyper-local stuff and they had plenty of eggs (though expensive, $4/dz). Not sure what you have available though.