SARS-CoV-2: Electric Superflu

All the “Medical staff are being told not to wear masks and being reprimanded if they do” articles has my conspiracy radar going lol. It’s almost like the people in charge want this to spread. But I know it’s just run of the mill incompetence so lol

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Daily deplorable update from my FB friend. She’s looking for recommendations. I guess she’s starting to think about the virus now.

Where can I buy Tylenol??

Update: She found it. But a new crisis arises.

Found Tylenol!
Now, where can I find thermometer covers??


Ya i mean those are a few of many obvious holes. I am just bored and those tweets earlier about the unexplained walter reed visit got the rotted part of my brain pumping.

Yeah I’ve mulled over the “stealth vaccinate your population, release virus” idea a few times too. But from China’s POV it just makes no sense to play out like this - kill a ton of people, destroy your economy, then destroy the economy of your largest customer.

From Russia’s POV OTOH…

Maybe the US thought they had a vaccine, snuck it into our flu shots, then it mutated or they botched the job somehow. Releasing it in the Hunaan Fish and Wildlife Market would be pretty genius from a covering your tracks POV.

If Trump were smart, it would be feasible. But he’s such a goddamn moron I’m surprised he can chew his food. Also, a guy like him has to be paranoid. No way he’d trust even Putin w/ a vaccine solely for him.

Counterpoint - Trump is a germophobe who literally worships Putin.

The one thing I dont get are the two hour lectures about social distancing while none of them actually practice it. Seems beyond bizarre to me.

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It would make more sense if we released it and have a very limited supply of vaccine for elites.

Pretty sure conspiratards are on that one.

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Pictured, A Win For Trump


Steinbeck was right

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There’s also this, which shows the activity level for grocery stores:

There were some reports of more activity in wealthier areas so far; maybe that will reverse after the stimulus payments are received.

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The dairy industry is asking the government to step in and buy their product and then give it to the needy. Can we really call that capitalism?

I haven’t followed those stories, but my guess is that any decisions to ban PPD are made by business and admin people who think that workers bringing in their own PPD makes their inability or refusal to provide it look worse.

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It’s really astonishing to me that this is brand new information to many Americans. Guys, stay home if you’re sick. I don’t care if it something boring like the flu, stop spreading that ish around.


Are we supposed to believe nobody is buying dairy? Stores are limiting the number of items you can get for many dairy products.

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Pretty depressing how bad things are getting