SARS-CoV-2: Electric Superflu

Especially if they don’t give money out other than that $1200.

I’m keeping a full-time housekeeper that I was planning to fire before this shit happened on the payroll, so quit fucking whining and keep paying your cleaning people.


Sure, and that is why Trump’s rating has also improved.

A few key differences though between GWB and Trump:

  1. GWB was fairly new and not hated. Sure, D’s thought he wasn’t smart, etc. but not that he was inherently evil. Trump is starting so far underwater and other than his core supporters, even those that are okay with him, don’t really trust him.

  2. The narrative of you can’t criticize leadership only works as a two-way street. After 9-11 GWB didn’t attack any D’s (or the media, or foreign allies, or etc., etc. etc.). When Trump is writing angry letters belittling Schumer, it’s much harder for him to simultaneous push the narrative that we shouldn’t politicize a crisis.

  3. GWB at least got the optics right. He gave moving speeches with energy that focused on bringing the nation together. His Ground Zero speech was so easy to turn into a great patriotic ad. Can’t think of a single moment Trump has had that could be a decent ad. Even if he says the right thing, it’s low energy and not moving in the same way.


But what if all it takes is a cheesy-ass photo-op for people to support Trump. And you know the NYT is going to come up with “A CLOUD IS LIFTED” headlines throughout this crisis.

I guess we’re lucky that he’s terrible at optics, but the potential for a corona boost is there.

At least 40% are every bit as moronic as him, so they won’t care.

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The swab test apparently gives false negatives because it’s uncomfortable and invasive and some people swab themselves. I heard one reporter say 30%, which is probably too high.

We are failing miserably at testing. Lies and incompetence have mired us every step of the way.

Makes me pretty leery on seeing a vaccine any time soon.

He’s good at distraction. We’re already seeing debates about whether all the Covid deaths are being counted. This is the kind of issue that they can turn into a culture war, and the media will fall for it. Instead of talking about the obvious failures of the administration, CNN will have two people on to debate the accuracy of the death count.


I’m confused this suggests it most deadly for 40-50 years olds. In fact 3 times more deadly than it is for 80+ year olds?

I must be missing something? But how do you come up with that conclusion?

Farmworkers are still in the fields (without protective gear) to ensure America has food to eat during this crisis.

Nearly half are undocumented and won't get a penny from the stimulus package.

Remember this the next time you hear Trump and Republicans demonize immigrants.

— Robert Reich (@RBReich) April 3, 2020

You guys want to hear my conspiracy theory that is complete nonsense but a result of being cooped up for too long (ftr this is 99.9% fan fiction and not based on anything but boredom)

-Trump actually is compromised by Putin.
-Russia/China hatch a plan to develop a super virus.
-It gets loose or they simply just test it in Wuhan.
-Russia blows up the OPEC+ deal decimating OPEC countries and the US shale industry.
-Russia/China have somehow vaccinated a large portion of their population leading to the low numbers.
-Tell Trump they will give him the vaccine if he downplays it, takes cdc out of Wuhan, disbands pandemic response team and completely botches the response leading to our current situation.
-trump’s middle of the night Walter Reed visit was to get vaccinated. That is why he seems so unconcerned about getting it and is willing to shake hands still and not practice social distancing.
-End result is the west getting hit the hardest and completely destabilized and economically destroyed.
-China/Russia end up mostly unscathed and moving forward are the world super powers.

Yup, I know, I’m completely losing it. It’s 99.9% Trump is just a moron.


I tried to copy and paste and screenshot article but my iPad has been going insane.

To read the article I just searched for “ Why a Coronavirus Test Result Takes Two Weeks or More” in google and clicked on the first link in the box with a picture and it let me read it.

This is tough because you will have two to three weeks of paranoia after every visitor.

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0.30% - not 30%. Serious font fail on the decimal point.

Do almost all Chinese/Russians get a flu shot every year? If not - a secret vaccination would be pretty hard to hide.

A Walter Reed visit would be a pretty conspicuous way to get a secret vaccine from a Russian source. Seems like you’d do it in a closed door meeting with Putin and a translator or something.

Millions out of work, kids going hungry, but propping up the dairy market somehow depends on destroying literally tons of milk.

Capitalism #1


This is pretty standard in the US with all kinds of food.


One suggestion for grocery/supply hoarding. Stimulus payments to direct depositors will go out April 14 and most will have them by the 17th.

If you are planning to re up on supplies/groceries any time soon, and have the means, I would try to do it before then as I think there will be a pretty big run on stores from 15th-22nd or even longer.

In other words don’t wait until April 18th to replenish your pantry.

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