SARS-CoV-2: Electric Superflu

Yea, that. People finding out he’s a moron.

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CFR broken down by age for SARS, covid, and flu

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That’s good, at least.

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I think the high approval rating was mostly an illusion. People want to be optimistic in an emergency and for better or worse, he is the face of the government’s response. People want to believe he’s being honest and on top of this and don’t want to read articles explaining he’s neither.

I suspect that the longer this goes on, the worse it’s going to get for him as people realize he’s just mashing buttons. Also, assuming D’s don’t shit the bed on this, the ads essentially write themselves - using nothing but Trump’s own statements.


I know you guys probably don’t shop here but just in case, do not give Hobby Lobby your dollars ffs

CoViD-19 approves of him 100%.


But not as a host, apparently.


Religious freedom!

Yeah, feeling better and better about him going nowhere in the Dem primary, even if he was kinda fun to watch drop bombs for a bit.

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I dunno, I remember W’s approval skyrocketing overnight after 9/11 because many people have this weird instinct to cling to Big Man leaders when they’re scared and many more people are too cowardly to push back. I can see a “you can’t criticize the President in a time of crisis!” vibe sweeping across America again.

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NYS updated numbers

Date Total Cases Daily Tests New Cases
4/3/2020 102,863 21,555 10,482
4/2/2020 92,381 18,031 8,669
4/1/2020 83,712 15,694 7,917
3/31/2020 75,795 18,645 9,298
3/30/2020 66,497 ~14,000 6,984
3/29/2020 59,513 16,390 7,195
3/28/2020 52,318 17,412 7,681
3/27/2020 44,635 16,272 7,377
3/26/2020 37,258 18,650 6,448
3/25/2020 30,811 12,137 5,146
3/24/2020 25,665 12,906 4,790
3/23/2020 20,875 16,739 5,707
3/22/2020 15,168 15,915 4,812
3/21/2020 10,356 12,979 3,254
3/20/2020 7,102 10,072 2,950
3/19/2020 4,152 7,584 1,770
3/18/2020 2,382 4,482 1,008
3/17/2020 1,374 ? 432

In any case, if the studies saying that 70% of patients sick enough to need ventilators die even if they get them are correct, there’s a limit to how much additional damage ventilator shortages can do. Silver linings, baby.


I get that it’s theoretically possible, but it just seems to be something that rarely comes up in real life. I just don’t know anyone who can afford it who also doesn’t have several months of living expenses socked away for a rainy day.

Most people who can afford regular house cleaning find it to be a very small expense and aren’t really sweating it. Especially when you consider that they’re probably spending less than baseline on everything else (restaurants, entertainment, travel, etc.).

Also I’m from USA#1, ChrisV is the Australian that you must be thinking of.

As I like pointing out, Trump got the Jimmy Carter Iran hostage approval bump. That didn’t turn out so well for Carter. I suspect it won’t turn out well for Trump unless Democrats hand him something that looks like a win. Dems need to avoid any bipartisan coddling of Trump’s ego in an attempt to get him to do the right thing. No matter what he does, it needs to be spun as not good enough.

W also went to Ground Zero.

Imagine Trump going to hospitals and shaking hands with doctors lol.


Those NY numbers seem…awful.

Regarding the politics of this, Americans are going to get increasingly enraged as this goes on for months and months. Trumps crisis goodwill will not last. I’m as cynical as they come but I don’t think he has any way out of this politically (he still might win by cheating).


Even if he loses the crisis goodwill and goes back to where he was before this he’s still at least a coin flip to beat handsy sundowning reactionary Joe.