SARS-CoV-2: Electric Superflu

95% of deaths = a free ventilator?

I still can’t replace him with Mark Wahlberg in my mind in that movie. I need to rewatch contagion again to fix my glitch.

Can you post some cliffs for the 99% of us who are paywalled?

Obama would have done an infinitely better job and FoxNews would have still been infinitely harder on him than the MSM has correctly been on Trump.

What do I win?


Yeah it’s stacked on the washer in a cabinet. I’ll put you down for “not crazy” on the plastic.

Yes. The 3 hour thing has led to a lot of confusion.

Is the new coronavirus airborne?

Confusingly, in public-health circles, the word airborne has a technical meaning that’s not just “carried through the air.” When people are infected with respiratory viruses, they emit viral particles whenever they talk, breathe, cough, or sneeze. These particles are encased in globs of mucus, saliva, and water. Bigger globs fall faster than they evaporate, so they splash down nearby—these are traditionally called “droplets.” Smaller globs evaporate faster than they fall, leaving dried-out viruses that linger in the air and drift farther afield—these are called “aerosols.” When researchers say a virus is “airborne,” like measles or chickenpox, they mean that it moves as aerosols. When the World Health Organization asserts that the new coronavirus is “NOT airborne,” it’s claiming that the virus instead spreads primarily through the close-splashing droplets, which either land directly on people’s faces or are carried to their faces by unwashed, contaminated hands.

One team of researchers blasted virus-laden fluids into a rotating cylinder to create a cloud of aerosols. They found that the virus remained stable for several hours within that cloud, raising fears about its ability to persist in ambient air. But as the researchers have noted, the study’s experimental setup was artificial. It doesn’t reflect “what’s occurring when you’re just walking down the street,” says Saskia Popescu of George Mason University, who specializes in infection control and who was not involved in the study. “It’s more akin to medically invasive procedures like intubation, which run the risk of aerosolizing the virus, and are unique to the health-care setting.”

Are those far-spreading virus particles concentrated enough to infect another person in the same room? How many virus particles does it even take to launch an infection? How far does the virus travel in outdoor spaces, or in other indoor settings? Have these airborne movements affected the course of the pandemic?

These questions have no answers yet. To get those answers, “you’d have to expose animals to different quantities of airborne viruses, see if they get infected, and relate that to measures of the virus [in places] where people are infected,” says Bill Hanage, an epidemiologist at Harvard. “This is the type of stuff people will work on for years, but no one is going to find out for the moment.”

Gramps would have been furiously investigating the Obama conspiracies during this CV timeline. Is he all over the Trump conspiracies? Or is he still working on her emails?

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New reatments, summer pause

NB May not be CV related


We need to be cautious drawing strong conclusions from one study, and who know how well their setup reflects real-life conditions. People are still debating whether the flu is airborne or not.

Bill Withers one of the greats of all time. Some great interviews out there w him.


This is the line they will go with from here on out. We will never know the true scope of what happened to us

No idea.

US Navy hospital ship in NY has only 20 patients

A US Navy hospital ship which docked in New York City harbour on Monday was supposed to reduce the burden on strained hospitals by receiving non-Covid-19 patients.

But as of Thursday, the USNS Comfort, which has a 1,000-bed capacity, had only 20 patients on board, officials told the New York Times. Across the country in Los Angeles, California, its sister ship, the USNS Mercy, had only treated 15.

Many have criticised the slow response as New York City hospitals are flooded with sick patients and health care workers are still struggling to find the necessary equipment. The city has confirmed more than 1,500 deaths with Covid-19.

On Friday, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio told MSBNC: "I don’t have a question in my mind that number’s going to change very rapidly.

“The arrival, meant so much to New Yorkers. It was like the greatest sign of hope we’ve received in weeks. I’m sure that ship will be very full soon. They have to be smart about the cases they take. It’s going to get very busy, very quickly next week.”

Trump supporters are easily capable of believing the hospital crunches is major cities are fake news. Just show them one time Cuomo said something that didn’t 100% line up with the facts on one day. Boom - all of it, every last image and word, can be safely handwaved away.

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Early on in this. I had to grab some of that Meyers (lemon) hand soap from Trader Joes, because literally everything else was gone. My hands still smell like an old folks home. Ugh absolutely horrible. I have since acquired better soap but I figured I’d give it one try.

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What I meant was that if you reach 10k dead per day the US will likely have exceeded ventilator capacities and many of the dead never even got one.

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I mean that’s nice and all, but those sailors sure didnt get the social distancing message

Trump approval rating down from 60 to 47%.


His covid-19 approval? Cause his regular approval was never 60.