SARS-CoV-2: Electric Superflu



They could afford it a month ago, maybe not so much now. Don’t know how it is in Australia (think that is where you are from), but shit is getting real, real quick for tons of people here in the US.

Never forget

And for our conspiracy minded friends:


Let’s play the “if Obama were president” game now.

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I was thinking about this the other day. Resources for mental health hospitals and rehab facilities have to be pretty much gone. I have a friend who is a nurse in a VA hospital in Florida and said all their programs like that have been totally shut down.

Without access to such facilities and the help they provide I am worried for a lot of people who may reach a bad conclusion even without corona.

Same. We sent our cleaning crew cheques for their next two visits, and they sent us an email thanking us profusely. The said only one of their other customers had done the same.

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Stuff like that just erases any hope I had that we will ever again live in a functioning society.

The guy got fired for telling the truth and trying to save lives. And it’s not even a fucking story.


We don’t know this for sure at all. This is a matter of considerable debate.


With the jobs numbers looking terrible I get the impulse to try and get the economy back up and going. A projected 20-30% unemployment is unsustainable. Of course the ‘everyone just needs to go back to work’ is counter productive and causes its own problems.

The only two things that are going to get the economy back going is testing and a vaccine.

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Surgical masks addressing the transmission side.



Unfortunately not true

Fake news, she’s a comedy writer

She got me too

OK so our clothes dryer died. It’s located in a cabinet in my breakfast nook, open doorway into the kitchen. The nook does have a door to the outside, so I can have a repairman access the nook without coming through the rest of the house.

I have a bunch of the kind of plastic sheeting painters use. How crazy would it make me to seal off the nook from the kitchen when the repairman comes? And if that’s not a crazy thing to do, how long would you leave the plastic up? There are windows in the nook, and a door, so air can circulate freely in there.

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Dammit, she has a blue checkmark and everything. Well, she’s getting a block from me.

You just described every chemistry class I ever had. Also when I had a job sanding and had to wear a mask - it just filled with sweat.

My face must be really hot or something because I almost can’t wear a mask or goggles.

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