SARS-CoV-2: Electric Superflu

Fauci needs a new pony.

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Hint - almost all the obesity is in the South and Midwest.

He’s been just as successful brokering middle east peace deals as the so-called experts. Great success.

Initial exposure. I’m telling ya!

Those touchy feely Italians all out whooping it up in cold dry air, then hugging each other all night. Then hanging out with Mom and Grandma all day. If you could see it, I picture the virus just snowing all over them and settling like a person with extreme dandruff.

The South is about to get crushed by this thing.

There’s that word again… :grimacing:


So on Lawrence O’Donnell tonight he is playing clips of some Admiral that the feds are sending 200,000 N95 masks but on questioning it comes out that they are going to commercial dealers and the the hospitals can buy them.

Then the Admiral guy gives some bullshit about that’s how the system works and doesn’t want to get in the way of commerce. This was after a specific question about the states having to bid against each other in what amounts to an eBay auction. Oh and there are foreign bidders as well. They could end up on a plane to go overseas.

Now I have to take extra blood pressure medicine. Holy fuck.



So the old AC-ists on 2+2 were right all along?

We must never ever get in the way of the free market. Except to bail out every failing corporation at first sign of trouble including entire industries that are not registered in the US and pay no US taxes.


To be fair, I thought I heard that the ship wasn’t going to have coronavirus patients from the get-go. It was for other hospital patients so that the hospitals could take care of people who have coronavirus. Don’t know about the other conditions they aren’t dealing with, though.

Did they even take 3 patients during Maria?

I offered, she refused. Like I said, it’s a pride issue. She said she’s down to 15 hours a week of work. She has work through a cleaning company but ~all her private clients have cancelled.


he probably does realize it but trump does not care and knows he’ll stand there and say whatever BS so here we are. The ridiculous part is how we’ve all just let that slide.

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Just wanted to bump this as I have the same question. Amazon is no help, and I have neither the material nor the arts-and-crafts skills to fashion a mask myself.

We Pacers fans have to look out for each other :basketball:


Before the last double up you can also use a soft cloth-towel like explained in the above article for better results.

A mod on another forum deleted some posts in their main coronavirus thread and chastised them for making political posts, which were banned ITT in post 1 from another mod.

His VERY NEXT POST was a clip of Tucker Carlson going on and on about Bill de Blasio and other New York politicians for not taking the necessary steps in the name of public health because they “didn’t want to be called racist”.

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Appreciate that but I don’t have rubber bands (or tape, or glue) or a handkerchief. And I only have one towel. It’s possible that I live like a box-car hobo …

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