SARS-CoV-2: Electric Superflu

I do wonder about these reports of “healthy young people” that die from this.

There are very different flavors of “healthy”.

It’s a big, beautiful hospital ship, why tarnish it with sick people who are just going to die on it anyway?

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Rename it the USS Cold Comfort


So I showed my mom home to use the instacart right now.

" I’m melissa your insta cart shopper "

" hi melissa, I’m marti the mom "



What should I look for in buying a mask? Thinking of buying a couple from here -

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This is bad right?

Could be initial exposure amount.

Your pony got tested 3 weeks ago. Still waiting for results.

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I would say that pandemic security procedures trump any cultural differences and people will have to adjust.

Maybe she will be offended. She will get over it.

I actually have a printed Stop Sign on my front door that details that no visitors are allowed.

It is actually a pretty good deterrent from people coming up to the house as when they see it they want to keep their distance. I definitely recommend everyone throw one up.

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Both of these statements can be true:

  1. Jared is a moron

  2. Jared is the smartest person in the White House (excluding staff)


Jared only has his job because Trump wants to sleep with his wife.


A few of my friends on FB seem to be forming isolation pods. I’d be 100% safe to join one but I dunno if I trust my friends that much. Also they all have kids except my ex. She keeps teasing me with the prospect of risky sex, then sledgehammer-blocking me into the 10th row.

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Yeah. I keep going back to his “I read 25 books on the middle east” comment.

Like this actually makes him fairly well informed… as a lay person… but the fact that he doesn’t realise that the role demands an actual expert is what makes him so dangerous

Whoever made that map is not color blind.


What about the Texas Rangers?

Fauci needs a new pony.

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Hint - almost all the obesity is in the South and Midwest.

He’s been just as successful brokering middle east peace deals as the so-called experts. Great success.