SARS-CoV-2: Electric Superflu

Covid tracker is over 1,000/day which was the prediction last week as the overall US rate slowed to 3+ day doubling time. At a 4 day doubling rate it would be 10,000/day in about 2 weeks. Hoping that NY starts leveling off soon but lots of contenders (MI LA NJ FL SoCal) to add to the overall rate. My sense is we won’t hit 10k/day in April. Hopefully never.

IMO wearing masks in public, especially indoors, is a plus. Especially if it’s truly a battle between initial load and your immune system as to how sick you get (plus probably other comprbidity and other unknown specific individual factors)

Keep indoor excursions rare.
Wear a mask and gloves in indoors.
Keep any exposure chances low and amount of viral intake low.


I suspect the US will hit 10K/day in April, but I hope I’m wrong, obviously.


Our school district sent out an update this afternoon (it was announced yesterday that the rest of the school year is remote learning).

One of the policies is the following:

“Ensure student grades are not negatively impacted as a result of COVID-19. No students’ grades at the end of the semester can be lower than the grades received on Friday, March 13, 2020.”

March 13 was the end of third quarter. My kids got straight A’s.

I’m not telling dlk9s jr.


I have a lady who comes to my house once a fortnight and cleans for an hour. I pay her cash in hand. She mostly vacuums and mops the floors, basically because it’s annoying work that I’m too lazy to do.

Not sure what to do in the current crisis. I feel like she’s a definite risk vector for me acquiring COVID, but I also don’t want to stop giving work to someone who I imagine is going to get hit hard.

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One hour per two weeks? I’d pay for two hours per two weeks not to show up.


Bob was already there to buy a handjob


Yeah, I would be totally willing to keep paying her and not have her show up, but I feel like I can’t make that suggestion. It’s kind of insulting I think. This might be a cultural thing.

Sorry to disappoint the “startling anecdote” Twitter community

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If you can afford it, the obvious choice it tell her not to come and you’ll pay her.

Edit: How is it insulting? Like “you’re a dirty Asian and I don’t want you to get me sick?” Honestly, if you don’t treat her like complete shit the rest of the time, I think she’s 99% to be happy/relieved.



Take that to BBV please. :grin:

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As long as you can afford it, just pay her and tell her to stay home. That’s what we did and our cleaning lady was extremely grateful. She understood the reason we didn’t want her here and we didn’t want her to be without income, considering most of her clients have probably cancelled for a while.

It’s a suggestion that she’s a charity case. This is not a tipping culture. Outside of some specific circumstances it’s sort of infantilizing to suggest to someone that you just give them money.

That said, I really don’t want her coming here, so I’ll try to figure out a way to tactfully make the suggestion.

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Just explain it to her. If she’s offended, so be it.

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I would give her a call and dump some cash on her for around 1/2 months off work and say sorry that you can’t keep her on atm, then reimburse her if it goes on longer and suggest it’s a gift for the great work she’s been doing.

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Our cleaning lady comes over every two weeks (speak American will ya. :)-

She is from Poland. My wife has some old family letters in polish. We sent her the letters and her regular pay to translate and not come over. Giving her the money without her feeling like it’s charity. Seemed important to her when we said we’d keep paying. She was offering to do all kinds of extra jobs to make up for not being able to do the cleaning for now.

We are hurting from having to dip into a daughter’s 2019 wedding depleted savings but we aren’t making any big choices for awhile. If she doesn’t get paid it’s no food or rent money now. I hope her other clients are pitching in too.


I’m listening to a podcast about measles and man, that is an insanely infectious bug. 90% of the people you interact with get it if they’re susceptible. You go around for five days without symptoms. It hangs in the air such that if you leave a room, the air in the room is contagious for two hours afterward. Really puts coronaviruses to shame in that department.

We’ve been paying our cleaning people to not come. They’re incredibly appreciative and I get the impression very few people are doing this.


Nah. I think Wohl and Burkman are comedians on some poor man’s Andy Kaufman shit. They both certainly know that there will be no rally. It’s hard for me to understand their existence otherwise.

Chapo Trap House was talking about how at CPAC W+B were not granted a stage so they held a “press conference” where literally 100% of the attendees were there to laugh at/mock them. Grift-y performance art.

Freely admit I could be wrong. But if I’m not, these guys are actually quite funny.

Edit: I probably shouldn’t respond to an aside from 2 hours ago while there’s important info being bandied about re: covid19. I’ll try to be a better poster.

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We are paying our housekeeper to not show up. We said “for your safety and ours we’d rather not have you come during the crisis, but we know this is a difficult time for everyone so we’d like to continue paying you”. No arguments! But our housekeeper is like 80 years old and has been with us for 20+ years so she’s basically a member of the family. We know she needs the money, and she knows we know she needs the money.