SARS-CoV-2: Electric Superflu

They claim he was responsible for the leak.

“He exercised extremely poor judgement” said Acting US Navy Secretary Thomas Modly.

He also told reporters that Capt Crozier was being fired for allegedly leaking the letter to the media.

He said the letter “created the impression the Navy was not responding to his questions”.

“It creates the perception the Navy is not on the job; the government is not on the job. That’s just not true.”

I mean, really Modly? Seems like it could be true.

Scotland got 40 extra deaths counted today because of the count of the dead from outside hospitals.


Not even publicly. Was internal only but got leaked.

Edit: apparently they are blaming him for the leak

That’s bad news Marty. Sorry for your brother. Hopefully he gets through it with a more mild bout.


Rich countries don’t write checks for PPE.

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Can’t wait for the mission impossible movie on this… :roll_eyes:

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We use it and it seems fine, especially for small meetings. And I usually keep my video off anyway. I see no real point in looking at people if I can hear them just fine. Plus we are usually sharing documents and all the video crap just takes screen space.

I think Maybe zoom is better if you want to do video.

The Krafts sent one of their two Patriots team planes to China for masks for the state of MA and NY.

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Pretty sure there were two cups, or more likely two fountains.


PPE Olympics

Great article clearing up some of the confusion about masks and what “airborne” really means to a virologist.

A handful of studies have offered preliminary answers. One team of researchers blasted virus-laden fluids into a rotating cylinder to create a cloud of aerosols. They found that the virus remained stable for several hours within that cloud, raising fears about its ability to persist in ambient air. But as the researchers have noted, the study’s experimental setup was artificial. It doesn’t reflect “what’s occurring when you’re just walking down the street,” says Saskia Popescu of George Mason University, who specializes in infection control and who was not involved in the study. “It’s more akin to medically invasive procedures like intubation, which run the risk of aerosolizing the virus, and are unique to the health-care setting.”

There’s still a good case for masks, though, even if they can’t stop viruses from getting in: They can stop viruses from getting out. “I’ve been slightly dismissive of masks, but I was looking at them in the wrong way,” Harvard’s Bill Hanage told me. “You’re not wearing them to stop yourself getting infected, but to stop someone else getting infected.”

Gee Harvard, welcome to the party.

In one experiment, a surgical mask filtered 89 percent of viral particles from the air, a tea towel blocked 72 percent, and a cotton T-shirt blocked 50 percent.*

More good info.

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Wife called the virtual doc (we did NYP, rather than Cigna, since NY doctors have probably seen so many cases).

Basically was told they don’t know whose symptoms will get worse and whose won’t, so pay attention to shortness of breath and if breaths/minute get >25 then go to the ER. I guess in the absence of a pulse oximeter, that’s a proxy for not getting enough oxygen.

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Pence said today Trump will announce tomorrow that the government will pay for your care if you’re uninsured and get covid-19. Universal health care is here!

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Suggested question for tomorrow’s press conference.

“Mr president, over 1000 americans died yesterday with COVID-19. Do you believe that their friends and family will be comforted and inspired by the fact that you’re number one on Facebook?”



Trump would absolutely do universal health care if someone told him it would lock in his reelection.


Lol cash payments to people w/o health insurance. Here’s your $1k voucher to cover your $250k 3-week ICU stay.


Stop normalizing the lies.

He’s not even top 100 on Facebook.