SARS-CoV-2: Electric Superflu

Just tell the cleaning lady a relative was coughing so you want to take precautions and not have anyone over for now.

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This is going to go on for months, that excuse won’t last that long. I’ll just tell her the truth.


Every death = a free ventilator!

Same here except I call Manolo whenever the tub gets too dirty. It used to be the carpet but I got a roomba and then it switched to the tub. Roomba paid for itself almost immediately.

I think I may clean my own tub this weekend. Pray for my soul.

I always give Manolo a $10 tip (over the price he quoted me like 20 years ago lol) and a double payment around Christmas. You could just wait until the next time she comes and give her a lot extra. That way it’s not a straight handout.

Or you could always have her walk you through how to clean the apartment on Zoom, then pay her for that.

I’m half considering doing that with my hairdresser. I have a professional-quality beard trimmer that I think will work for my head.

This is Straya buddy. I am the sole occupant of a three-bedroom bungalow.

Surprised it’s not called a bungaboo.

Even more reason to have her help you learn how to clean it for yourself you helpless toff.


Fucking cake eater

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Obesity seems to be a huge factor in morbidity.

Purple is bad. Doesn’t bode well for Kansas City.

kinda worried about Chicago myself



Some doctor on Rogan’s podcast this week was adamant about Houston following New Orleans in a week or 2. Said diabetes and hypertension was a huge concern.

At this stage there is no way the data is good enough to draw any conclusions. NY has by far the most testing capacity, so of course their death rate is going to be lower. A lot of these places are still at the stage where you basically have to be sick enough to be hospitalized to get tested.

If nothing else obesity and diabetes are highly correlated.



I’ve also been considering this! I don’t know how to phone the salon and be like "I know you are closed, but can I pay someone to video call and teach Mrs rugby how to cut my hair?:


I figure with no guests coming over for months or years, why bother cleaning at all right now?

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You haven’t seen my tub. I think it might be experiencing exponential growth.


Just spent like three minutes looking for the clip of Pete’s mom talking about Manolo, couldn’t find anything. Stupid internet.


That’s what Aussies call assplay.


That photo in the original story story is old. Fake news, only 5 Lombardi’s on the tail.

Here we go…


The Kraft family paid $2 million, about half the cost, to acquire the masks, according to the newspaper. The initial order was for 1.7 million masks, but only 1.2 million could fit on the plane. The remainder of the masks are set to be delivered in another shipment, the Journal reports.

Of the total, 300,000 masks have been pledged to New York state, which has the most coronavirus cases in the country with more than 83,000.

Not bad Bob, but maybe next time don’t support an unhinged racist fucking moron for President.