SARS-CoV-2: Electric Superflu

I don’t know, it’s really confusing. Everyone in Ottawa was blindsided.

Virus lives longer on plastic, your hands do a better job of protecting you, gloves aren’t free, and you are taking away PPE from people who actually need them.

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My wife’s boss died this week (not COVID). She’s at the “funeral,” which consists of everyone driving past his family’s house. Just called and said she’s in a line of at least a hundred cars.


How different was the economy back then though? Seems like we spend way more on group leisure activities now.

Love when the US accuses other countries of lying


Is one of us misunderstanding the other?

I wore gloves and shared my observations of other people not wearing gloves.

It seems like you saying we should NOT wear gloves when we go in stores. If so I firmly disagree. Very easy to remove gloves before I get back in my car (I also wiped down my hands after removing the gloves and going out to my car.

I’ve worked my whole career in BSL-2 labs. Standard is to wear gloves when working with live organisms. (BSL-2 is not serious not easily communicable things- never intentionally worked with disease causing organisms but often unknown samples would contain streptococcus or similar as contaminants).

So even working with bakers yeast in a lab we would wear gloves. Generally setup the lab for level 2 out of an abundance of caution.

AIDS is 3. Ebola is 4.

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My buddy got fired from a customer service role early on at Amazon. He had to watch as his ex and a bunch of coworkers became paper millionaires and started buying condos around Seattle. Made him a little bitter.

Ultimately, incredibly, Bezos was right when he told his employees not to sell immediately. My friend figured out that if he had exercised his 1/4 of his options each year at the first chance - he would have made out with about $400k. However the people who held eventually got back up to $1M and more.

Probably a 1 in 10,000 post-dotcom crash success story.

Has Bezos done anything positive during this?

Israel’s Minister of Health, who is also a ultra orthodox who claims the messiah will protect us, has tested positive for coronavirus. He is 71 years old.

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After being cooped up with my wife and hearing more and more about all the woo she’s come to believe in over the past few years, my daughter and I “suspect” we have it. Where is this RV park?


You can jail people being held in contempt?!


Comments about UNDRAFTED removed. Thought the draft was over.

Another concern here in the US, is that we are drawing very life to the knowing and willful wholesale death of ~22% of the worlds prisoners.

I don’t know anything, so I can’t say anything. But there’s chatter, more than chatter some of that chatter says, of prison strikes being organized. This pandemic could be an organize -or- die situation.

To review: 2018 saw massive prison strikes in the US, the largest in history, building on years of previous actions. This information was more-or-less ignored by most of the media and public. These prison strikes are explicitly not attempts to undermine prison security. They strikes are instead, the refusal to do work. Although today’s prisons shamefully allow outside apitalists to profit from what is often quite literally slave labor, the vast majority of prison labor hours sustain the prison itself. Without that work from the prisoners, entire armies of guards, and other free workers, would need to be physically imported into the prisons for them to continue to operate. During non-pandemic times, importing such an army would quickly bankrupt any jurisdiction that tried it.

On the outside, there is always a pressing need during these strikes to “phone zap” the prisons, in an attempt to pry any information from the wardens regarding WTF is going on in their prisons, and to put them on notice that the world is, if not watching directly, keeping an eye on WTF they are doing. This is often the only way family members can find anything at all about how their incarcerated relatives are faring.

I’d also like to point out that activism like a “phone zap” is perfectly safe in a time of pandemics, and definitely does fill spare time. I’ll just leave this here…


My memory was wrong or it got recategorized. AIDS is 2 based on route of infection (hard to catch)

SARS and this virus are level 3 examples, when studies in concentrated form. Diagnostic labs are recommended to be level 2.

There sure aren’t any at my local grocery store.

You were trained to change gloves and stuff. An order to wear gloves is easy to say and follow, but the correct instructions to change gloves all the time between doing different things is hard to communicate, and people will screw it up.

If nothing else I think they keep people from touching their faces.

Get them off and wash or sanitize. Stops transfer to your steering wheel.

get your point but as they say “you can’t teach stupid”. Better to try to get the gloves right than not at all.

I’ve heard some claims that people touch their faces more when wearing gloves, which seems silly, but people are pretty silly.