SARS-CoV-2: Electric Superflu

Lol, it exempts religious services. Still can’t believe the red states are doing things to kill all the red citizens and few of the blue ones. Blows my mind.

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I feel like this criminal congress people laugh about their stock purchases should move to its own thread.


Low level employees that get stock options at work (think 100 options/year) tend to have small trading windows that are timed shortly after quarterly or annual reports are published.

Often corporate officers have a time delay. Have to announce intention to see sell some number of days ahead, then the trade goes through (I think they can set limits so they don’t have to take a bath if the market turns).

From memory- I’ve gotten options “lottery tickets” twice in my career. Both turned up worthless. I made something like 5,000 on a small grant back in the 90s.

The idea that congress folks don’t have similar restrictions is ridiculous.

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Lock the doors from the outside once they’re all in there.

#thoughts and prayers.

Province of Quebec closing its borders to non-essential travel.

My wife slipped through just before the checkpoints went up, she’d bought groceries for her elderly mother. I would hope that would be considered essential, but who knows.

There [quote=“Marksman, post:8702, topic:1265”]

Royal Caribbean not giving refunds to a convention called NurseCon coming up, where a bunch of nurses had a networking event scheduled.

They will offer a rain check though. I hope the cruise lines get sued out of existence for not providing refunds. Anyone could make a very compelling case why nobody should ever go on a cruise ship again.


Royal Caribbean Cruise Won’t Give Nurses Refunds for Convention

Nurses are getting screwed by a cruise line that refuses to give them their money back for a conference at sea.


There is basically no universe at this time where the cruise lines don’t all end up bankrupt. They’re not giving refunds because they literally don’t have the money.

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So like can I fly Pearson to Montreal but I can’t drive there? Or has air travel actually just shot down?

They’re red states for a reason and it’s the lack thereof

He heard about the draft and is feeling slighted I guess.

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Holy shit, just go to court, get a court order, then get a contempt order and throw him in jail already. I’ll admit I don’t know Louisiana Law but this is f’ing ridiculous already.

Don’t wear gloves.

Don’t wear gloves. (you should know better)

I’ll wear gloves

Or at least 26


Georgia Governor Brian Kemp closed schools for the rest of the school year.

And he is finally going to issue a stay home order, but get this: it only goes from Friday to April 13.

The guy in Tampa who got arrested is being held without bond, presumably for this reason. It’s hard to be denied bond for a misdemeanor.

Why? Seems like a good reminder to not touch your face. Just use hand sanitizer after you take them off.

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I think the virus lives longer on materials.

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My wife has a CPAP machine, gently used. PM for leasing options.