SARS-CoV-2: Electric Superflu

Going to be difficult to establish the NHS was negligent when the whole world has the same problem.

I believe Texas governor issued stay at home today after leaving it up to the individual counties previously.

Our dipshit Republican governor has been dragging his feet on everything from the very beginning. Today the MA Building Trades Council (a bunch of unions) voted unanimously in favor of a state-wide shutdown of non-emergency construction to try and force his hand.

I just went the other direction. I don’t do a lot of voice calls but SMS hasn’t been entirely reliable since I changed. I got a call from Sprint: Hey, why’d you leave? Me: Hey I didn’t, really, did I?

Ohio Governor told everyone to wear masks and gloves when grocery shopping today.


Don’t suppose he mentioned where we can buy them?


I mean, the bad thing happened, right? The senator got non-public information and then trades were made that resulted in the senator making money. If this wasn’t a crime virtually only committed by the ultra-wealthy with a bunch of benefit of the doubt built in, there’d be no question. When you drive from Colorado to Kansas with weed in the car, you don’t get to turnaround and say “well I didn’t know it was there” or “I didn’t know the state line was here”, you just go to jail.

“Yea but then senator didn’t know what trades were being made with their money, so they can’t be guilty,” if I didn’t know I was doing that was an excuse then literally no one would ever be convicted of any crimes.

after going back over the NY timeline on wikipedia, i think the real mitigation efforts started about a week too late. this is my opinion on what should and could have been done without benefit of hindsight since acting even earlier would have been warranted given what we know now.

MS just issued stay at home starting friday at 5pm, wonder how long it takes alabama, what a joke

Quite frankly, I hope you’re one of the unemployed after november elections.


954 deaths today based on the 4pm number.

We still continue to head towards the most ridiculous timeline possible.

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I’m not sure how I’m supposed to focus at work. I have a sense of impending doom.

First we weren’t going to allow any clients to come in…but now we have someone coming in on Friday.

And then of course my dumbass co-worker won’t bring food and goes out to fast food for at least lunch and most of the time also breakfast. Maybe I’m overreacting to this but it just seems straight up dumb for a multitude of reasons.

Here I am trying to be hyper aware of everything and it seems pointless because no one else GAF.


I actually had heard of tobacco being used to produce drugs, I think because it grows super fast and tobacco companies have money to seed it with.


My sister told me 4 of her patients died today. She’s a nurse at a cardiologist office. They don’t even deal with COVID patients. They send them to the hospital immediately if they have a fever.


Did the bad thing happen? The senator making money from trades isn’t a crime. Its a crime if she had inside information and used that information to make trades.

In your example where we are at is a cop accusing you of having weed in the car cause he thinks you look like a pothead and your eyes are a little red. There hasn’t been any proven wrong doing yet.

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At the grocery store, Yossarian.


Actually, I think that having insider information (i.e. material non public information) means it’s illegal to trade at all in those securities. It is also illegal to give that information to someone else (i.e. tipping). I don’t think making money on the trades is a necessity for violating insider trading laws.