SARS-CoV-2: Electric Superflu

Next step is figuring out how to plan a virtual orgy using Zoom.

Suspect for individual sale. Not sure about business sales.

The cpap manufacturers lobbied to have the devices and masks to require prescriptions because there was a huge secondary market that was cutting into their primary sales.

You used to be able to buy slightly used or even unused machines on eBay for 80% off. People often get them through insurance but never actual use them, so there are a lot of unused machines sitting out there.

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Two cases confirmed in the nursing home where my MIL lives. They shut down visitation a long time ago, so it must have come from staff or someone whose parent was close to death. Another soldiers’ home in western MA had 11 deaths, and covered it up. A guy in my company had it, after his whole family, and none of them got tested (CA). In MA, another family my wife knows from work is sick with COVID-19, begged for the wife to be admitted to the hospital, but were turned away.

So yeah, definitely getting to be pervasive. I’ve noticed a shift in my Facebook feed from lots of memes and jokes to just silence or memes about how long March is/was. And cat videos. It’s starting to become normalized. Even this thread has slowed down over the past 5 or so days. We’re in for another very long month.

Link to soldiers’ home article: 11 Veterans Die At Soldiers' Home in Massachusetts Amid COVID-19 Outbreak : Coronavirus Updates : NPR


I have not verified this but apparently in the wee hours of the morning a tractor trailer carrying toilet paper burst into flames near Dallas.


The coolest zoom feature is it can report if someone clicks away from the zoom screen for more than 30 seconds.

That won’t stop me from dicking around on my phone.

Protective gear in national stockpile is nearly depleted, DHS officials say


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Cuomo invokes Churchill in virus battle

In the US, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has been quoting former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill as he briefs reporters:

“It’s no use saying we are doing our best. You have to got to succeed in doing what is necessary”.

He called the statement “a tad harsh, but it’s true”.

“We have to get this done, and we have to succeed. We have to find a way and we have got to make it happen,” he added.

Mr Cuomo said his own brother was self-quarantining in his basement after finding out he was sick with coronavirus on Tuesday morning.

Chris Cuomo, a CNN host, did his show with his brother last night, where they had a hilariously awkward interview.

Until we start testing a ton of people who end up not being sick I won’t believe we have a handle on it. Too many cases and deaths are not being reported straight up.

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France death toll rises by 509

France says that 509 people with coronavirus have died over the last 24 hours.

That takes the total number of deaths in hospitals in the country to 4,032.

The latest daily figure is the highest so far - nine more than the previous 24 hours.

This is why trump is a fuck up. There have been so many little things he could have done. Banning all exports of PPE supplies should have been done weeks ago even in the most incompetent timeline.




Loeffler’s shit is maybe arguably ambiguous or whatever. How 'bout this?


Do you think Positive_Test_Rate_t = (New Cases_t / Daily Tests_t) makes any sense or is there likely some weird lag structure?

Meanwhile, checking in on Ina Garten…


I used to pay my half of the rent to my roommate with a check back in the day. Never once forgot to write ‘Sex toys’ on the memo line.


Not millions against but play him in fantasy sometimes. Definitely not a fish and he’s been gambling forever like gregorio posted (tuff_fish video fame). He talks COVID in this interview from two weeks ago. It’s long and not worth watching now even at 2x speed but I didn’t disagree with anything I heard really.

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America First tho

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That company helped get Donald Trump elected with YOUR data that you willingly gave to Facebook and others because you thought it would be nbd.

As a result of the Trump presidency, tens of thousands of additional people are likely to die from the Coronavirus.

Now you’re in this thread about that virus telling me it’s also nbd if these exact same people have access to even more of your data.

Not sure I can make it any clearer than that. I can’t force you to see it, I can only be dismayed that you refuse to.