SARS-CoV-2: Electric Superflu

That interview with Charles Murray though, incredible!

What in the actual hell?

Em2’s persona is idiotic but he’s very good at dfs.


Thought I saw BA flinch when EM2 started talking shit about Trump & Co. He quickly changed the subject lol.

This along with that WaPo article saying we are now out of PPE would be the end of any presidency besides this one. It won’t even register though.

This alone will likely cost 10,000+ lives, maybe more.

Hard to say for sure because Cuomo and NY Dept of Health doesn’t say how they are collecting these stats. That said, there is a really high correlation between tests and new cases, so they may be counting tests as of the day of diagnosis rather than the day of sample collection.

NYC has started posting data on testing by date of sample collection. When they update tonight, it should provide some insight into the distribution of test turnaround time.

A Trumpkin on my FB page just posted this. Wonder if she still thinks it’s a hoax? As usual, conservatives don’t bother to give a shit until it personally affects them.

And just like that, the virus is no longer a foreign stranger just passing in the distance. It has taken the life of someone I used to work closely with.
RIP Joyce, and prayers to your family during this time.

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Go dig up old posts on her timeline from a month ago for maximum jimmy rustle.


Me and 20 others got to hear our Zoom host forget to mute his mic and take a digitally amplified piss, including the obligatory groan…“ahhhhh…” at the end.

No one said anything.



I guarantee that she is thinking that it’s a good thing the US has Trump as President to stand up to those dirty foreigners that killed her friend. There’s no way a Trump cult member would make a connection between Trump’s mismanagement and the spread of the virus.

Apparently that changed Trump’s tune. A good friend of his has it and is in a coma and apparently has him shook.

The inability to feel empathy for people you don’t personally know has to be a mental illness that inflicts 100 million Americans.


Grunching but Florida’s governor issued a stay at home order: cliffs, it’s pretty worthless. Attending a religious service in a house of worship is a critical activity that is exempt…

Florida GOP so high on its own supply they’re going to literally kill their base


“no longer a foreign stranger just passing in the distance”


Who still has that belief on April 1st?

like this is some weird reaction to everyone in her life calling it the wuhan virus or the china flu, thinking that it was safe because USA #1 and Trump will always protect us from China because hes always been tough with them.

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Posted by some dude a month ago - who I’ve never met but hooked up with somehow through the Pan-American traveler forum:

When we hit 61k “official” - I’m going to post again. I bet he unfriends me or at the very least flips out that I remembered for 10 weeks - even though that was the whole point of his post.

It was the same way with the dotcom bubble. You can’t win by being right. You’re the jerk for bringing it up 6 months or whatever later.

Bonus I’ve also learned about this guy by scrolling through his timeline - he’s an anti-vaxxer. Not surprising, seems to get it from his wife who’s the passionate one about it. Anti-vaxx seems super common in the “off the grid” types that you meet a lot in this kind of traveling. They basically don’t trust the govt on anything. Which I can understand somewhat - how the hell are they supposed to know which things the govt is lying about and which it isn’t? Hopefully this whole episode will make them realize why we have all those vaccines.

But even more funny is this:

(Posted by a friend)

Lol crazy shit


The whereas clauses are especially petty/tilting. Basically says COVID is the fault of NY/NJ people and the southeastern counties (read: dirty foreigners) and in order to protect the northern counties (read: white Christians) Governor is issuing the order. Fuck these people.

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Trump can’t have that many friends. I wonder who it is.


Good thing about him being an anti Vaxxer is long term his odds of dying from Corona are going to be much higher than others for a while

Not sure if this has been posted yet but seriously wtf RGB. Go stay inside.


I used to do a regular currency swap with a work mate. I’d give him pounds in the UK in exchange for pesos in the Philippines.

It would always be listed as “for Fisting services”

All fun and games until his divorce when his wife and her lawyer got to go through his bank account for other sources of income.