SARS-CoV-2: Electric Superflu

Your honor, why would I steal that thousand dollars? I already have like 50k. It’s ludicrous!


I was told I could not buy a CPAP without a prescription but apparently one can buy 1255 of them ?


Hey should we shove all-in the entire 500mm? Nah, that’d look too suspicious. Let’s just do 5 or so and hope for a jury of Limitguys.

I think they’re using it to try and sell me stuff and selling it to others who want to try to sell me stuff.

How do you think they’re using it?

What are the chances we don’t get an updated unemployment rate in USA #1 this Friday?

Witches don’t exist. Insider traders and war profiteers do.

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I say it sarcastically, you seem to believe it’s true. Cambridge Analytica says hi.

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Welp finally some good news. My girlfriend can take paid leave to stay at home and watch our kid, keep her insurance and get basically 90% of her salary between the pay and unemployment.


I’m still at the “everyone is still figuring out how Zoom works” stage of the pandemic.


He was the former Acting Administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services under Obama, so I assumed he has some credibility.

So you’re worried about being more effectively manipulated by the media you consume? I mean that’s fair I guess but its not a high priority for me. If it’s more than that, sorry man you’re gonna have to spell it out for me.

Those old machines won’t work any more. The latest version of my credit card has no raised numbers.

Why don’t you make the case using stock trades and senate closed door meeting dates that makes you think its likely shes guilty of something. We can start there and go to the next step. I am not arguing for her innocence, maybe she is guilty of something here. I am just making the case she is being crucified by people reading nothing more than misleading headlines, and I haven’t seen any facts that to me show any proof of anything.

Tough to say we’ve passed inflection point in new cases when we don’t test enough.

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Looks like Daliman from 2+2 booked 1k action there


Eh, if we’re systematically undercounting people, the overall trend will stay the same.