SARS-CoV-2: Electric Superflu

Seriously? We’ve had 80+ years of speculative fiction about all the different ways government and private access to this sort of data could be used against us. Now it’s happening for real and everybody is like, “meh”. There have been dozens if not hundreds of articles about how all this data is being aggregated from multiple platforms to create detailed profiles of everybody. There have been numerous high profile data breaches in recent years, and god knows how many that were quietly swept under the rug.


How many of you have store cards to get special buys at the supermarket? Why do you think the card is required instead of just having a sale? Do you honestly think they’re just keeping that info to themselves?

What days and what trades do you think are obvious?

I don’t even know if shes innocent of anything. I just know everyone I know is out for blood but cannot give me any actual facts that show something is even close to suspect. I haven’t seen anything that comes close to make me want to grab my pitchfork.

I use my ex’s parent’s number


Just to add I am talking about Loeffler only here. I haven’t looked much at the others but Burr seems like it could be something. I am ready to sharpen my pitchfork there but I am going to hold off till I read into more than the stuff I have seen(not much).

Reduced service is imminent.

Latest NYS figures from Cuomo press conference:

Date Total Cases Daily Tests New Cases
4/1/2020 83,712 15,694 7,917
3/31/2020 75,795 18,645 9,298
3/30/2020 66,497 ~14,000 6,984
3/29/2020 59,513 16,390 7,195
3/28/2020 52,318 17,412 7,681
3/27/2020 44,635 16,272 7,377
3/26/2020 37,258 18,650 6,448
3/25/2020 30,811 12,137 5,146
3/24/2020 25,665 12,906 4,790
3/23/2020 20,875 16,739 5,707
3/22/2020 15,168 15,915 4,812
3/21/2020 10,356 12,979 3,254
3/20/2020 7,102 10,072 2,950
3/19/2020 4,152 7,584 1,770
3/18/2020 2,382 4,482 1,008
3/17/2020 1,374 ? 432

I really hope and pray he is right and we will hear news any day that we are going to be flooded in ventilators soon.


USA#1 over 200,000 confirmed cases.

Czech Republic looking at 14,000 cases by the end of April.

Sounds like the school year is over if the number of cases is still increasing into May.

I use a bi pap, which is even more significant than a cpap in terms of airflow and I don’t understand how these are in any way replacements for ventilators.

Given the way our own @Will1530 was talking about the settings needed for ventilation. I don’t see how much of a benefit a cpap is going to be to someone who is seriously ill. Don’t get me wrong I think it certainly can help with airflow for mild cases but I am not sure they replace ventilators at all.

I don’t think so either. Musk gonna Musk.

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I will tell you what I buy at the store, you just have to ask.

Speaking of stores, I just ordered for delivery from Kroger. Was surprised I could get delivery tomorrow morning, was expecting a longer wait.

A lot of the corona staples are out or not deliverable (water, tp, paper towels etc)

Elon Musk is such an attention whore. Should’ve drafted him over Erdogan.

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I hope everyone there is okay and nobody gets sicker.


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CPAP is great for keeping fluid out of the lungs and would likely be used to prevent some % from needing to go on vents, maybe

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They are not intended to replace ventilators for the bad cases. The idea is that for the very mild cases you can use a CPAP and give the ventilators to the worst cases.

My question is are people being put on ventilators who don’t need to be on ventilators?

That’s not why her head is on the block, it’s just a footnote.

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