SARS-CoV-2: Electric Superflu

Strongish no cash, contactless whenever possible. But that was my preference before.

It is absurd for members of congress to ever own individual stocks, it is a blatant conflict of interest. Lol this country.


Yeah, who needs privacy? I have total confidence that private companies with unrestricted access to the details of every purchase I make will never, ever mishandle or misuse that information.


FWIW usa#1 is about 10 years behind UK and euros with this. Chip&pin is barely even a thing. Regularly have to sign when using cards at some places, only contactless the local grocery chain takes is Samsung pay, (wtf even is that?) f’ign dark ages over here.

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And what consequences do you forsee of this mishandling of your grocery list?



I cannot take anybody seriously on twitter who uses this weird clickbait self promotional way of tweeting. Like, everything I’ve seen from this dude just screams that he’s a grifter.


Yeah it just happened to be on the day after a confidential meeting when 4 other senators did the exact same thing

Come on man

As a poker player, I’ve always used cash wherever possible (used literal cash to buy my current used car) because I’ve always had a ton of cash on hand and it’s annoying to deposit cash, but I wanted to get a sense of how cashiers might feel about it so I can be sensitive to their desires. I don’t consider that concern to be minutiae.

Maybe it matters less if they get to wear gloves or if they have to clean everything between customers anyways. I also make an attempt to carry enough coins so they don’t have to make change, decreasing the amount of contact. I’ve never set up anything contactless like Apple/Google Pay. (I’ve also never used PayPal or Venmo.)

The bank definitely knows what shop I was in and how much I spent. Not clear to me they know exactly what I bought. Can see issues around purchases made in off-licences (liquor stores) and maybe pharmacies. If they get an itemised breakdown of my whole shopping list then, well, they shouldn’t, there’s all kinds of ways that could be bad.

I know it won’t happen especially under Biden but the next administration needs to break Google into a thousand fucking pieces

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No, you’re right. I’m having trouble imagining how this info is going to be turned against me is my point. I don’t know if that’s healthy skepticism or a lack of imagination on my part.

Hey at least I haven’t seen anyone pull out the old ka-chunk ka-chunk manual card imprinter in a few years.

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Walked by Lily just now. They had a line of about 40 for drive through testing. Previous days only had about 7. Not sure what that means, but it was eerie.


We got one back in January. The normal card reader wasn’t working.