SARS-CoV-2: Electric Superflu

That legitimately sounds essential to me. Sorry.

Whoever wrote those articles was super confused. But I have to assume someone is looking at urns over and above the normal amount of deaths - and the dumbass writing the article just garbled it.

I read something a couple weeks ago about doctors and nurses in China suffering from dehydration due to not even drinking water during their shifts. I assume it was due to not having enough PPE to be able to dispose of any mid-shift and not wanting to take the risk of taking it off and on. Something to consider in making decisions about how to handle this…

she can go to her speed dial, hit up her superpac millionaire donor who gave money to joe arpaio, and ask her to spend some dollars on the cause

Yeah. It’s asymmetrical warfare. She never bothers to ask all the questions she bombards me with when it’s a right wing source.

I got Florida and Texas

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I’ve done a handful of 12-hr shifts with no breaks/food/water and I just can’t imagine doing it more than 3 days in a row. Healthcare workers are heroes for sure


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Disagree. WA, KY, and CA got it right with early shelter in place orders. NY blew it and paid the price. He can give good statements during a crisis, but that’s different from being a good crisis leader.


My wife still has fever and breathing difficulties so went to a drive-thru testing place today in Alpharetta. Cost was $185 and she’ll know tomorrow.


I thought it was free to get tested. Wtf. The president promised.


Good luck to you and your family.


It begins (continues?)

hey that’s why pencils have erasers

The eDems and resistance grifters are indirectly - but deliberately - boosting trump by claiming that Cuomo is doing a great job

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We give a lot of love to nurses and people working at hospitals but retirement homes are being hit super hard at least in the Czech Republic. Fifty-two of 72 retirees at a home in northern Czech Republic were just diagnosed with coronavirus today.

Care workers at that retirement home are going to stay with the retirees 24/7 until April 16th to keep an eye on them in response. At least in this country, they have way less access to PPE than hospitals. One could argue that the risk due to a susceptible population, lack of PPE, and lack of medical training is as high as health care workers in hospitals. Yet, they don’t get the attention deserved.


NYC finally put their data up in a more usable form:


Glad society is lauding someone besides troops and cops for a change. Looking forward to the sequel, TROOPNURSE. Who plays Troopnurse? Amy Adams? Natalie Portman? Chloe Moretz? Or maybe…Mark Wahlberg?

Tyler Perry could play all the nurses in a single hospital. He’s got the talent for it!

Madea’s Hospital of Payne


Daily data for NYC. Ignoring 3/31, which is incomplete, it seems things may have crested in the city proper.