SARS-CoV-2: Electric Superflu

Sounds like something a secret Space Force Agent would say.

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This is why our clear and consistent oversight by the administration on the federal level has allowed us to avoid any real problems.

I think most will agree that this virus has sent the Zoom software through the stratosphere as businesses and schools all use it for remote connections.

This is a twitter thread covering some of their problematic practices:

I’m only praying that other parts of the supply chain run out so they’re forced to close us. But for me so long as anything is running I’ll be there, quality works in every department :(


Nurses are indeed heroes, but I would also like to give a shout-out to the people collecting and delivering other people’s groceries. I am giving these people big tips! They would perhaps only be mild heroes if the grocery stores collected all the items and handed them off to the drivers, but no, at least with the services I’m using the drivers have to do the shopping themselves. Salute to the drivers.


And the people doing day care for the children of health care workers. I know some health care people are having little to no contact with their kids, but the risk still has to be pretty big and with pay usually pretty shitty.

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I’m so sorry to hear that. I hope the lad pulls through.


I’ve seen shoutouts to truck drivers, restaurants, food industry, police, power generation workers, medical workers, etc and not a single one to financial people. Not a single thank you to those at the banks/ financial services who also have to go in to make sure people can get the money they need. They are getting bombarded due to the situation/ the markets more than they ever have and people just get angrier and angrier with them, yet they are essential services.


Yikes, how many deaths are we up to today?

Pretty much. This is either going to result in mass actions like sector wide strikes or it isn’t. That’s the only barometer I’m paying any attention to at the moment.

I see 639.

My restaurant sent out an email, text, and scheduling app message yesterday saying “MANDATORY” conference call today at 2pm and no other information, so we’re all thinking ok fuck this is it right why would they need to have a conference call with random staff if we’re not getting laid off. So everyone gets on the call and our boss says that the plans we’ve put into place for handling our jobs and trying to pay us and do to go orders has been extended for another week and to call back again for another mandatory call at the same time and hung up and the meeting lasted less than 5 minutes. What?

This is what my daughter is doing. In Minnesota they have classified the grocery workers essential and eligible for free childcare.


You can be good at some things and not good at others. He’s clearly and objectively a good crisis leader, whatever you think about his politics.


Seeing if they get sba money or not is my best guess

Several hundred posts behind. Does anyone know what the story is on the 21 million Chinese missing cell phones? Trump supporter threatening to send me a lol Breitbart article on it.

1 Like 4pm daily is 807. Ouch. About 4400 new or net? Hospitalizations.

People canceled their plans because they couldn’t work?

Apparently China has more cel phone plans than people already. So there’s clearly some slack in the system.

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China fudging its numbers and not being entirely truthful about how bad things were/are/will be is certainly believable.

China hiding 21 million deaths is beyond preposterous and you can safely ignore any moron who believes otherwise.


I prefer the cremation urn conspiracy theory, putting Wuhan deaths at the high tens of thousands.