SARS-CoV-2: Electric Superflu


On a call now at work getting an overview of the CARES act and how all the elements of it can be leveraged by our clients. I can’t possibly imagine having my small business falling apart around me and simultaneously trying to digest all of this info, various programs, loan types, rules, qualifications, etc. Lawyers/advisers gonna make a lot of money the next 30-60 days.


It’s not celebrating. It’s more like “Told you so.”


HaHAAAA, yep I’m essential, just got text from my boss. Isn’t it good to know that the booming meter industry is crucial to state infrast- >.<

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I am on day two of this.

Shit I forgot there’s a stimulus thread

I had the general SBA application nearly done twice then the format changed each time. Did the new, simplified one yesterday, assume they will then follow up to ask for all the information I collected for the first two shots at it.

Have not looked into the other programs yet. Maybe we should have a thread for small businesses trying to navigate this.


they’ve been compromised. Like everything else.

NYC doctor I’m friends with on FB.

One thing this has really laid bare for me is we are such a corporate kleptocracy - probably beyond repair w/o some kind of bloody revolution. Maybe 10-20 years ago there was still some hope. But every govt body just seems to exist to funnel more and more money to corporations these days. We can’t even get our act together when it’s life or death.


My bad, I forgot too.

I do wear a sweatshirt and pants over shorts and t shirt and leave those at the door as well as kick my shoes off right away.

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It will be a miracle if no one in my family gets this. My dad, who is 69 and a smoker, will not stay at home. My parents are loaded and he refuses to pay for delivery of groceries and he just likes to get out and fart around at the bank and stuff.

Further, my kid’s daycare closed and my mom (who has asthma) and I work together, and my girlfriend is working from home so my dad now has to watch my 1 year old every day.

Both my sister and I are pleading with them to stay home and they won’t do it. Their only response is it’s not that bad, they’re tough and they’ll be fine. I told them to put “I’m tough” on their tombstones.


I’m concerned. So apparently they’re going to give us 1 mask each day.

Mask Use:

  1. Mandatory use of masks in production areas or if you are not able to keep a 6’ distance from
    co‐workers. Masks primarily guard against potential carriers of the virus from spreading it via
    coughing or sneezing, etc, who may be in the early stages of contagiousness but not running a
    fever yet. It will not necessarily keep you from contracting the virus, so vigilance should be
    maintained in following all outlined protocols, particularly frequent, thorough hand washing.
  2. Only use for one shift. Replace it during shift if it becomes soiled (ie: gets dropped onto the
    floor, etc.).
  3. Dispose of at the end of your shift in specially designated trash cans.
    Mask Removal:
  4. AVOID touching the front of the mask, because it is can be contaminated. Only touch the ear
  5. Hold and unhook both ear loops and gently lift the mask away from your face.
  6. Holding the mask only by the ear loops, dispose of the mask in specially designated receptacles
    that will be located near the 3 approved entry / exit points to the building.
  7. Clean your hands with soap and water, or hand sanitizer again, before touching anything else.

But uhhhh…isn’t taking on/off for breaks basically making it null and void?

Any insight you guys can give in the stimulus thread would be awesome! So far I have just been told to hang tight by my banker cause the lenders don’t even have guidance yet.

Toronto basically closed til July now.

Many of them regularly celebrate death and misery of other people.

Not going to get plussed about evil people who do and dream of evil things getting sick right now.

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WebOne was one of the companies that were planning on building a satellite internet. They just filed for bankruptcy after burning through billions of dollars.

I guess we can hope musk or Bezos do it.

Not rooting for their deaths but would like to see some awakening if it does happen.


I see some chatter on Twitter about this. Looks like it wasn’t a 100% outage nationwide, but huge portions of both coasts and some of the midwest went down across numerous carriers.

Qanon is all over it, they think it was some major nationwide Q op or something.


That and for making out with coworkers in the supply closest.

I love how many ridiculous businesses have been deemed essential so they can try and kill their employees in exchange for money.

We have just distilled the bigger theme of what drives this country to its bare bones. Feed lives in, take money out, the capitalism way!


No one’s going to invest billions of dollars into a satellite internet constellation and then run it as a pirate radio operation, especially if it means (as it would) losing the Chinese market. SpaceX has already indicated that they’ll comply with local regulations to market their service.