SARS-CoV-2: Electric Superflu

A little bit random but something that many people are likely unaware of. Last night around 1 AM CT cellular data went out across the US, as far as I can tell across all carriers, for about 30-40 minutes.

I was at the final table of an online tournament on my phone at the time, which is why I was up and noticed. The other issue being that my internet service is through my cell carrier so I had no WiFi at the time either.

It was really weird and something that I’ve never seen happen before, and it was odd as I had no outlet to the outside world wondering what happened? The idea that internet across the entire country might have just been killed at least momentarily crossed my mind. Definitely a bit surreal and made me wonder what we would all do if they actually did cut off internet access.


We need international satellites as routers and ISPs that no one country controls. It might be slow but at least you could always connect.

I’ve read very credible arguments that satellite dishes on everyone’s rooftops picking up Al Jazeera was what ignited the Arab spring. People finally realized their government was as much as source of their problems as their traditional enemies. Until then their national govts had done a great job of weaving a story that all their problems were the fault of America, local enemies, religious enemies, etc. (sounds familiar).

Also could be a game changer for countries like NK where you’d just need a device to connect. Although you get sent to the gulag if you get caught with it obviously.

If we keep doing what we’re doing we won’t have a second wave because we all gonna get got in the first wave.

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It’s kind of the hospitals to offer their doctors an out.

Edit: My pony took time to talk to the press.


jfc not you too.

Not me too what?

Not you also pushing the view that this thing is going to wipe out far more people than it will.

We are not “all gonna get got in the first wave.”

Or the second wave.

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The shitbags in the village ignoring the pandemic are gross and will end up being directly responsible for the deaths of others, they can get Covid and die in their house fuck em


I meant the way things are going it’s going to be one continues first wave, and by “get got” I mean catch, it not die.

Also doing a favor for someone make you like them more.

Face-munching leopards still have to eat.

I’m gonna go with smirkily ambivalent if the Villages get hit, but celebratory feels a but too far.

I had CNN on and that’s what the number in the corner of the screen was…

Looks like SC is next, but I don’t see anything about factories, so not sure if we’ll be considered essential or not.

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Probably way too premature to try to forecast where the inflection point is, but whatever, here’s total # of cases in the US:

That Swedes are special in some way and the current approach of very gradually introducing measures is sufficient to flatten the curve. I’m not optimistic though…

I think we’ve had enough of tech bros running things like twitter or facebook as it is.

Gun factory?

Ours makes gas/electric meters.