SARS-CoV-2: Electric Superflu

Because firing doctors in the midst of a pandemic is a much better look than appearing to be short of PPE? I dunno. I give up.


Seems like an easy out for doctors.


You really should consider changing your outer clothes too. The virus settles onto clothes.

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I really think people need to stop reporting counts like sports scores. They are inaccurate and I don’t see the value in a minute by minute estimate of case numbers.

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(remote) Reno update - our numbers get swamped due to the Vegas area where the population is about 3x vs the north end of the state - finally had additional deaths in N Nv (4) so my group thinks things are gonna get worse - up til now only one death and no ER issues - testing is still all fucked up though - it’s always going to be “soon” which is bad. Guiltily, glad I’m not working. Stanford, where I"m being treated, is TIGHT in terms of security/masks etc.



Well I think we should start a league and maybe do some Fantasy CDC.


I saw the forklifts our company makes parts for being used to load dead bodies into refrigerated trucks so I’m essential in a terribly morbid way.


can we allow this but then make all of them stay there for the next 2 months?

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There’s a Filipino concept/word for this called “utang na loob” Which is “debt inside” or more poetically “debt of the heart”

It’s exactly this idea. If you do something important for someone. On something that really matters, they will have this long lasting gratitude that never goes away.

That shit is gold. Never pass it up.

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I think the rule should be that if there are more people who need ventilators than actual ventilators, anyone who goes to this doesn’t get one and has one taken from them if a non-idiot needs one.


The influenza hit Providence hard. In October, 6000 people in the city got sick. 814 died of pneumonia in 1918. On October 5, the Board of Alderman closed schools, theaters, dance halls, and most religious services. Prior to this, Providence newspapers ran stories about the death of Providence citizens alongside reports of Sunday’s crusade. The Congregationalist and Advance claimed that 10,000 people “grasped Mr. Sunday’s hand” during the crusade. Newspapers described people collapsing with the flu as Sunday preached. As we look back today, during this time of “social distancing” during the coronavirus, one can’t help but wonder how much the Sunday crusade contributed to the spread of the epidemic.

In the Spanish Flu it was Billy Sunday.

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I live in Sweden and it’s just bizarre. Basically all my international colleagues are bewildered and anxious, but the Swedes seem pretty chill about it all (unless you question their approach). I guess all we can do is take care of ourselves, and hope they’re right.

“Jonathan Shuttlesworth” sounds like the name of the foil of a 70s TV private eye

No, no, don’t do that! I, a latte-sipping, pajama-boy liberal, would be so owned by this flagrant disregard for my limp-wrist liberal sensibilities! Please don’t convince all your like-minded red-blooded true-American supporters to join you, I would be so #triggered.


An article about Sweden’s approach I posted upthread said that more than half the population live alone.
Why is that?

People actively celebrating potential 1000s of deaths in the villages is really fucking gross.

Fucking stop you fucking pricks.


Good question, I only moved here recently and my social circle doesn’t include many Swedes. From what I understand it has to do with young people leaving home early at 18/19, but they do not congregate in shared (student) housing as much as other places. Also, lol Scandis.

We’re still paying full fare for our child care for two girls, despite it being reduced to a 1 hr zoom call a few times a week. But our child care provider is married to a tech bro who probably makes as much as me and MrsWookie combined, so I’m a little salty about it.